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Bryce Homes Kenya March
2016 |
Yesterday was another extremely busy day in Kenya. With very little sleep the night before, there was no time to rest during the day. After breakfast, our driver picked us up, and we were taken to the local government office facility. Yesterday, the day before Good Friday, was a day chosen by the heads of various government departments to demonstrate their commitment of service to the community. They had gathered at the city office for prayer and worship before they went out to sweep streets with broom to show their humility. Following Christian worship and praise to God, I was asked to present a message from the Bible to encourage them. If you are wondering if I am making this up, this is not the case. While not all government and county leaders are Christians, there are so many in this town where we are located, this weekly gathering of Christians for prayer and worship is just the norm. And it has become evident that the Bryce Homes program has impacted this region and departments of health, environment, and social services.
On the way to Kenya, I had prayed about what topic to present to these men and women leaders. Immediately, thoughts flooded into my mind that a short overview of the book of Nehemiah would be appropriate. After the worship, I was introduced. I introduced my friend from Canada who is accompanying me then opened my Bible to the book of Nehemiah. It is not my intention to present the study in this report, but what I will tell you is that it was another one of those emotional moments in life. It reminded me of the days I traveled to the former Soviet Union and spoke to Russian scientists and atheists about biblical creation.[1] In ten years, I recall only three people who were vocally opposed to the Bible as thousands of others thanked me for coming to their country to tell them the truth about Marxist ideology and its connection to Darwinian evolution. Yesterday, was another watershed event. I was able to relate how God had given a vision to Nehemiah and provided him with a plan to rebuild the wall around the city of Jerusalem that had been ravaged following the exile of the Jews to Persia and other places. If you have never studied the book of Nehemiah, you should. Nehemiah heard about the problems and was overwhelmed with what he heard; then he wept, prayed, and mourned. God heard his prayer and sent him back to Jerusalem even with provision from an unbelieving King. After observing the destruction and chaos with a few other men, (emphasis on few), God gave him a vision of what could be done. It did not take long for the opposition to surface from others who were jealous or outright tools of Satan with weapons in their hands. In spite of this, a team was assembled and the work began. Men and women of various talented backgrounds offered their services. As the wall neared completion, the opposition became even more intense. Some had to guard full time the workers laboring above them. Even those working on the wall had to do so with a sword in one hand and a rock in the other. This meant that the person working next to them could be a threat to their well-being. If you are still reading this, I think you can read between the lines. The message seemed very appropriate for these Kenyan community government workers who were about to go out right after to sweep the streets to show they cared for their community. I witnessed how they were deeply concerned about the eternal destiny of the hundreds who die every day all around them because of disease. In addition to my talk from the book of Nehemiah, I was able to share with these leaders about the Bryce Homes Program in Kenya. The same principles apply to any project born by a vision from the Lord. In this fallen world, while we cannot turn towns, cities, or countries into a perfect state, we can at least do something. A small thing that started five years ago in Kenya appears to be having a significant impact. Not only are lives being changed as widows from hopeless situations become self-sufficient, more importantly lives are being saved in the spiritual realm. Of course, Nehemiah discovered that when God is at work, so is Satan. While the battle in Nehemiah’s situation required physical weapons, today, there is another even more intense war happening as attacks come in other ways. The Bible makes it clear our war is not against flesh and blood but against an unseen spiritual dimension in high places.[2] While here, or any other place, even in my home town, it is important to be reminded of this truth. So far, I have only covered the first one hour of what happened yesterday. When I started writing this report, it was not my intention to write so much. However, this is what is pouring out of my heart, and if only one person reading this understands, it is worth it. Life is far more than building personal kingdoms. In our western world, leaders of megachurches with mega-programs designed to bypass the truth of the gospel and promote another gospel need to take some time and revaluate. Millions of dollars are being spent annually on entertainment in order to draw crowds to help pay the budget. The early church had nothing at all to do with buildings or pastors and large staffs that take in hundreds of thousands of dollars. There were no strobe lights or billowing smoke, or comfortable theater-like seating. Christianity in Kenya, while obviously culturally different, at least in the rural areas, has not yet succumbed to Peter Druckerism. No one whom I have met here who pastors does a market survey to see what people want. They are consumed with trying to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people who attend their churches who don’t have anything. Please forgive me if I sound somewhat cynical. This is not my purpose. Trying to do a balancing act between a world of plenty and a world of poverty is a difficult task. It only takes $50 a month to help a widow and her children survive here. The hardest thing I had to do yesterday was to walk away from scores of widows who gathered at some of the Bryce Homes we visited. These ladies are Christians too. These ladies are starving. These ladies and their children are dying. All I could do was to pray for them. I made no promises. I told them there is one thing I did know and could tell them. Understand The Times was not their hope. We are only God’s hand extended. Jesus Christ is their hope. And their suffering does not go unseen by God. The condition of the world in Kenya or Canada or the United States is no surprise to God. He sees what is going on. As I conclude (it is breakfast time), I have one more thing to say that is burning in my heart. I wonder who is better off. Christians in Kenya who have nothing and suffer so much or Christians in the western world who have everything and still want more? What really counts for eternity? Where are we in God’s perspective?
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