Personal Update from Roger Oakland
Some of
you, if you are a regular follower of Understand The Times, may have been
wondered why an item was posted on our website October 17, 2014 stating that I
had successfully undergone shoulder surgery and was recovering in hospital. At
that time I had asked our webmaster Ron Pierotti to let our readers know about
this situation but details were not provided.
six weeks after my 14 foot fall off a ladder which happened while working in our
yard in Saskatchewan, Canada, I am thankful that I can let you know that I am
well on the road to recovery. Without describing the break in minute detail I
can say that this event brought about a major alteration in my daily routine
over the past month and one half. While I am finally able to use the keyboard on
my computer my therapist has told me it will probably take over a year to get
back the full use of my shoulder.

Before this injury I had planned to
visit our Bryce Homes in South Africa and also the Philippines in November and
December. These trips had to be placed on hold, but Lord willing, I will be able
to resume travelling in the New Year.
Bryce Homes World Wide
This past year has been a year for
expansion for the Bryce Homes Program. Originating in the year 2006 with one
Bryce Home in Myanmar, there are now 49 Bryce Homes in four different countries
around the world – 10 in Myanmar, 10 in the Philippines, 24 in Kenya and 5 in
South Africa. For ongoing information and regular reports coming from the
leaders located in these four countries please go to our website home page at
understandthetimes.org to read the reports.
We are extremely grateful to our
sponsors from all over the world who have caught our vision and supported this
ministry faithfully, either online or by sending checks to the ministry. The
reason we have been able to expand the number of Bryce Homes each year is
because of the generosity of our donors who read these reports from Myanmar,
Philippines, Kenya and South Africa and respond accordingly. Lighthouse Trails
has also been extremely helpful informing their reading list of the special
needs in Kenya and many of their readers have also contributed.
A number of special projects are
presently underway to assist widows and their families in Kenya. All of the
widows in Kenya have been provided seed funds this past year so they were able
to start their own small businesses on the road to becoming self-sufficient.

the year we were also able to build several more new houses for widows and their
families who were living in deplorable conditions. These homes have metal roofs
and have indoor stoves for cooking that vent the smoke outdoors via a metal
chimney. The homes are painted white indoors and outdoors.
Since we started our program in Kenya 14 different
homes have been constructed. The cost of building a complete home is about

past year we have been able to provide water purification systems for all Bryce
Homes. This has been a tremendous success in improving health conditions for our
families as many of the diseases they deal with are related to drinking
contaminated water.

collection is accomplished by capturing the water that is shed from the metal
roofs of the new homes we have constructed. Four more will be built before the
New Year. The metal roofs are ideal for shedding water that can be collected by
eave troughs that drain into a storage tank. The cost of installing a water
collecting system is about $400. There are more homes that are in need of these
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