As we come to the close of the year 2017, we are
extremely grateful to the Almighty God for the good tidings in this program.
Bryce-Homes Kenya Board.
The Bryce Homes Kenya board takes this opportunity to thank God for giving
us such a noble opportunity to serve the needy. We have been on duty, in and
out of season, to serve these humble children of God. The board is made up
1. Achilla
2. Lukio
3. Lawrence
Under the leadership of the board, we have been able to reach out to 37
Bryce Homes. These Bryce homes are located in four distinct regions within
the country.
Of the 37 Bryce homes, most of them have since benefited by having durable
houses built for them, the recent one being Bryce Home # 23 (Phoebe).
Children in the Program
As at now, we have been serving 130 children. Most of these children have
grown up since the program started six years ago. They have had good health
due to lack of deficiency diseases that initially became of common problem
in such homes due to poor nutrition and starvation.
This year, eight children are graduating from Primary School to High
Schools. Their names include;
Sophy-$20 per monthElizabeth-$20 per month
Hellen-$20per month
Regina - $20 per month
Ruth-$20 per month
Lavender-$20 per month
Faith- $20 per month
Christine - $20 per month
Befone - $20 per month
The above listed children have become an encouragement to
their mothers who were highly congratulated by the people for good
performance. They are set to join high schools from January 2018.
The Funds
The program has remained alive through the funds that are
received every month. These funds are used to care for
1. Purchasing foodstuff for the Bryce Homes
2. Provision of multivitamin for the Bryce Homes
3. Transportation of the foodstuff to the Bryce Homes
4. Provision of bedding.
5. Constructions of shelter and pit latrines
6. Provision of water tanks for harvesting of clean water
7. Provision of solar lamps to provide light for the
children to study at home.
Feeding Program
In feeding, we provide monthly support that consists of:
1. Maize
2. Rice grains
3. Beans
4.- Sugar
5. Cooking fat
6. Soaps
Every Bryce home usually receives a portion equivalent to the number of
orphans (children) under her care. It has been a very successful activity.
Spiritual Nourishment
Under Bryce Home Program, we have identified three churches where children
ministry has taken shape. The children reached so far have greatly improved
spiritually as they are equipped with Sound Christian Doctrine as prescribed
in the Bible.
Important Prayer Needs
As we cross – over to the year 2018, the children expressed the following
areas of need:-
1. The eight children who will be joining High School will need items such
as books, bedding and clothing in school.
2. School fee is another key item they raised so we can help them in
prayers for God to open doors.
3. The Bryce homes are also yearning to start poultry nearing to enable
them to improve their SBOs and become stable.
Thanks giving
In general, we sincerely express our thanks as we continue to conduct the
noble duty here in Kenya. Every Bryce Home is excited in expressing their
joy and thanks.We pray that the Almighty God favor the donors and readers,
across the globe, as they continue to support the needy.