Year End 2016
Dear Roger,
Greetings in His name.
Firstly, Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 1:2
1:19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who
believe, according to the working of his mighty power.
We are very much privileged to live and work out for the Lord sharing
the Gospel and praying for the spread of the Gospel among our people
nearby Bethel as we realized that this is the purpose of God to save us
so to be His servants.
There have been many fruits of the ministry of Bryce Homes leaders in
Bethel area. Especially i could say that we have been blessed a lot
spiritually when we see God working in the lives of the people.
We could have a quarterly meeting for encouragement and prayers
together. God blesses and added some new believers. And each of Bryce
Homes leaders has his own vision for the Lord and tried our best but our
goals are the same for His kingdom sake.
We want to thank Roger and all donors for your hard works that help our
families. We never forget to pray for you and this ministry.
God bless all.
Yours in Christ,
Timothy Tun
Bethel village
Shan state, Myanmar
May 2016 Bryce Homes 4 & 9
Dear Beloved,
Greetings in His name.
I just would like to write about Bryce Homes 4 and 9 as an update.
Bryce Homes 4 and 9. Andrew and pastor Ling Khaw Ghe the leaders of BH 4
and 9 have sent me their report of how they are doing with the children
they care. Their work of planting the yam seeds, star-shape-beans, coffe
and some other platations at their compound with a view to self
supporting is progressive and a new building is being constructed in
Mindat town as attached pitures. Their sister Ling Pai also has returned
home from her work in Singapore to help them in the ministry now.
We see God's leading hands upon these two families for the people there
whose lives were darkened.
They said they are very much privileged to work this ministry under UTT
and they are always praying for all.
December 2015
Dear Roger,
Thanks for your prayer support. We have many wonderful experiences in
Delta area Christmas outreach trip from Dec. 1-11.By His grace we
traveled to 8 villages in 4 Townships. We distributed more than 2000
"Are you a good person" tracts. In this trip we felt simply sharing the
Gospel of Christ is not enough. So, we challenged them and warned them
not to delay in making a decision. We saw a good response to the Word in
those villages. We saw that this is a time of God opening their hearts
to the Lord.
During day time, we had the privledge of sharing the purpose of Christ's
birth in 6 government schools and 1 preschool to a total of around 1,000
children. We also visited over 60 houses. Every night we had open air
preaching and Jesus film show with projector. What these villages need
is missionaries who would continue the work follow up.
At present, Maupin Township is cared for by Bro. Luke. Wakhemah Township
is overseen by Salaphan from Byryce Home 7 and his father from Bryce
Home 10. Laputta township is overseen by Thar Neu of Bryce Home 8 and
Myaungmya Township is overseen by missionary Khuasik supported by UTT.
We carried rice to give out sometimes on foot, sometimes on boat,
sometimes by bus and by taxi.
Gabriel from Bryce Home 17 is better now. Now I will join Mindat trip to
visit Bryce Home 4 and 9 this afternoon. Please keep on praying.
In Christ,
May 2015
Dear Beloved,
Greetings in His name.
I just would like to share with you about our
mission trip to some areas of Tachilik and Tarley township, Shan state
during last two weeks. We started our journey from Yangon on May 7th and
back on 20th. It took us to get there two days and nights. We were very
much privileged to teach and preach to several people mostly they are
Akha and Lahu tribes as most young ones are addicts of drugs. We were
four; Say Htoo Aye, Thar New, Khua Sik and Habakkuk.
Firstly we spent three days and nights teaching in
Tachilik at the Chin Baptist Church of which S K Lian is an assistant
pastor. Some children about 9 to 13 in age plus 15 adults altogether 35
were taught about salvation and some small children were separately
taught the Bible stories and Christian songs. And we had visited the
Bryce Home 11 (of SK Lian) having a prayer meeting and encouragement
with the Word of God.
And we went to Bethel village where some of our new
Bryce Homes ( BH 12, 13, 14) are settled. We also had teaching program
for two days there at Bethel church where Timothy TunTun (BH 12 leader)
is a pastor. Phoebe (Timothy's wife) and Esther also have a plan to
start the kindergarten program at the old church building for the
villages nearby from June. Alijuju (BH 13) and Daw Naca (BH 14) are also
actively involved in the church activities. I met some of our friends
Solomon's family and Moses' joining us in all programs.
We also went to the place of Judah (BH 15) and our
friend Mark where we had teaching for a day and night. Judah and Mark
have a plan to do the mission work there in their place the boundary of
Lao country. And Judah is now constructing his own house by himself as
he had a good vision to start with helping the poor children for their
education and at the completion of the house he will have the poor
children stay with them and teach them about God's Word.
We praise God for His guidance to have such a great
privileges to get involved in the ministry.
I just herewith attached some pictures. There was
an inconvenience in the photos for virus, so I did not send some more
pictures that I wanted to.
We pray that He will continue to bless us for His
Kingdom sake.
Thank you for all prayer partners.
God bless.
Yours in Him,

Dear Roger,
We pray for your trip to the Philippines
I would like to give you a report thanking God for the
unforgettable ministry opportunities we had during the past month of
December 2014. From the beginning of the month, we had outreach ministry
programs in 3 places in Yangon and in 13 unreached villages of Delta
area. We also had house to house evangelism, distributed Gospel tracts,
celebrated Christmas in a government school, several villages and
introduced Jesus Christ to more than 3000 people.
At the same time, these ministry activities strengthens
and equips our team members to stand strong for the Lord. Sometime we
went on foot, sometime by boat, and also by bus and motor bike. All this
was made possible because of your prayer and financial support. May God
renew our mind with His Word to be more like Him.
Thank you and God bless

December 2014
Dear Roger and Tom,
Thank you for your prayer support. It means a lot to us. Last night we
spent a great time at Lay Kai village where our friend Luke is doing a
mission work. We sang Christmas song and shared the Gospel and prayed
over for
20 families. Luke will continue to make follow-up with the Words.
Tonight we sleep at the house of U Thein Win converted from strong
Buddhist. At his house we gathered some new believers and gave
encouragement with God's Words. After that we visit and share the Gospel
again to 11 houses.
Tomorrow we will go to Yelay Kyi village where is no internet
For His Glory Alone,

Bryce Home
November 2014
Dear Roger,
How are you doing? I hope and pray that your health is better.
It is my great privilege to inform you about how the Lord works here in
our place Lukpe village a remote area of Southern Chin in Myanmar.
I felt it as a special call of God to our family. Since my elder brother
Andrew ( BH 4 leader) has started to care for the poor children in
Mindat with the help of UTT God continues to bless us and makes me to be
a pastor of the local church that I have a good chance to serve the
My wife and I have been blessed with a daughter and we live together
with my parents. God is wonderfully working that the church now consists
about 30 people apart from children. As we teach the government
curriculum at our house almost all of the children are allowed by their
parents that we also teach the word of
God while some Buddhist monks are always trying to persuade them in many
ways like conducting free tuition in places. We now have some people
joining us in the church as attached.
I would like to extend my thanks to all our sponsors for your love for
God for which we could involve in the ministry. As some of them have
confessed to believe Jesus Christ now we have a church building and
normally about 40 people attend the church.
I just herewith attached pictures of our family (BH9), our Sunday school
children, and church members. Please continue to keep us in your
God Bless
Ling Khaw Ghei,
BH 9 Myanmar
