Dear Roger and Tom,
Recently, we have seen the great and wonderful works of God in the Myanmar
Bryce Homes ministry.
We hope that you are doing well. By His grace, we all are doing well. Now is
summer Holiday. It is from March 15 to May 31. That's why, we sent some of
our children back to their home town.
Out of many, I would like to share with you some good news. That is about
Nenawi one of the Bible students who has to study one more year. Last year
and this summer he went back to his family back home and he is being engaged
to be a pastor at his home town because of his Christ like character.
At the end of February, from Grade 1-9 children wrote their final exam. The
results are now out. By God's grace, they all passed their exam.
In March, our 5 children by name Christopher, Nawmai, Zin Ko Htet, Hming
Sangi and Sarah wrote their High School final exam. We can say this is the
most important exam in Myanmar. The result will be out at the end of June or
the first week of July. This will tell their future direction.
In this Summer, we baptized 31 believers because of their confession of
faith in Christ the Solid Rock. Out of 3 baptisms from Bryce Home 3, I would
like to ask your special prayer for Zin Ko Htet whose mother passed away
when he was 5 years old and his father is a Buddhist. Right now, he stands
strong in his faith but his father tried to draw him back to his Buddhism
idol worship. From June, he will study the Bible at Biblical school of
In Christ,

Dear Beloved in Him,
Greetings in His name. I would like to give few updates of Bryce Home five in
We were greatly privileged to enjoy God's goodness in every areas of our lives
each day. Many times in sickness and hardship God cares for us and covers in all
we need as He has a certain purpose in each of our lives for His glory.
I praise God that all our kids have passed their school exams for 2017-18
academic year except a lady Ruth Van Rin Hnem whose results will be announced
only in June. Please pray for her as she has decided to go to Bible school.
Sincerely in Christ,

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a friend