Dear beloved friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We, all the Bryce Home four members are doing well under the shadow of His
grace. I praise God for allowing us to get involved in the ministry of Bryce
Homes Myanmar and so we always pray for Roger, Tom,
and all who participate in the ministry together with Elisha and Habakkuk
because we couldn't have been doing this precious work of children care ministry
when it is very important for our people as they were spiritually blind. Through
this ministry more than half of our children’s parents have been converted as we
always approached to
them with their children that we care for.
This year we, BH four, have 13 children and our 3 biological children, 16
children in total. We take advantage of this care that we could often make a
visit to all the parents and evangelize with the Word of God and share about the
Biblical account of creation.
Now as a result of the ministry we have a local church in our native village
where my brother Ling Khaw Ghe is a pastor who is also a Bryce Home 9 leader.
Pastor Ling Khaw Ghe and his wife also continue to teach some children every
Sunday morning. The church now consists about 30 members. We still need your
prayer helps for our people as we are approaching some animists in the village
and the nearby villages.
Together, BH four and Nine, we have been trying our best in working for focus to
being self-supporting. We have been trying to find out a good work that will
profit us most as I have sent you some picture that shows the process of our
works like planting yam seeds, star beans, fish and goats farming etc.
Thank you once again for all of your helps till today.
We pray for you and for UTT. God bless all.
Sincerely yours,
Andrew Thang Ling Om