The following report from Pastor
Elisha in Yangon following a recent trip to visit Bryce Homes 4 and 9 in the
Mindat Region.
Thank you so much for your prayer support for the mission trip to visit the
Mindat Bryce Homes. My family, Salaphan's family and three children
converted from Buddhism who are residents of Bryce Home 3 were involved in
this trip.
We began our journey from Yangon on March 22 and arrived back safely on
March 27. We saw the wonderful works of God there. Twenty-five people
received a new life in Christ through the teaching and preaching of His Word
and were baptized in the Name of our Triune God.

Zin Ko Htet, a student from
of Bryce Home 3, converted from Buddhism, shared his testimony. This year he
graduated from High School.

Bryce Home 4 Andrew's children and Bryce Home 9
met together at the Lukpe church.
Hnemte and Christina taught them the importance of Biblical Creation and what it
means to be a member of the family of God. This trip was possible because of the
financial and prayer support from Understand The Times.
We were able to see how the Lord blesses Bryce Homes leader Andrew and his
brother Lingkhawkhe' for their faithful works with the children.
I know for sure the call of God is upon Andrew and his brother. I know they are
sincerely working hard for the Lord. I appreciate very much their zeal for the
Lord. They give a good care for them and are preparing them for their future
leadership in Myanmar. They can sing joyfully and grow in Bible knowledge but I
know they also need a spiritual awakening that would have an impact on their
And just before we went there, we faced so many hindrances physically and
financially and so many things in our families on both sides. After proclaiming
the victory in Jesus and seeing the great and wonderful work of the Holy Spirit,
we come to realize how Satan tried to stop us from taking this trip.
This to
a friend