Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Truly God is worthy to be praised for all His spiritual blessings and
kindness to the ministry of Understand The Times and Bryce Homes here in
the Philippines.
I just want to give you an update of the Lord’s ministry here in the
Last summer we conducted our annual Daily Vacation Bible School and our
lesson centered on Christ. Our country being the only Christian nation
in Asia, which is dominated by the Catholic Church, the children used to
see the portraits of Christ through the pictures and icons of the
catholic church. They never heard of Christ as Shepherd of the soul, a
Caring Friend, a Faithful Savior and a Loving Lord. That becomes the
objective of our teaching, to portray Christ as he was portrayed in the
gospel. By the grace of God the teaching became a blessing to all the
children as they continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of
Christ as Savior and Lord.
Our weekly feeding and teaching program still continue and the support
that you are sending us is such a big help to sustain the ministry. You
can rest assured that we will continue to remain faithful to the
ministry that the Lord entrusted to us. We will continue to care and
guide the children as the Lord continuously caring and guiding us in our
walk of faith.
By the grace of God our Bryce Homes kids continue to perform well in
school due to the support that you are sending them. Last June, the
support that you sent was used to purchased the things needed for their
schooling such as bag, shoes, school uniform, notebooks etc. (please see
attach pix). They are very thankful for all their sponsors because
through them they are able to continuously go to school to pursue their
Aside from their schooling we also have other programs for Bryce Homes
so that we can reach their families. On our summer camp we obliged the
kids to bring their parents on the three days camp so that they can have
family bonding while enjoying the banquet of God’s word. They are very
thankful for the quality time that they enjoyed together and the
opportunity to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ through the
messages that they heard. The parents of our Bryce Homes Kids are
regularly attending church and they are much involved in the feeding
program by assisting in the kitchen and maintaining the cleanliness of
the church.
Thank you very much brothers for all your prayers, help and support to
the ministry of the Lord here in the Philippines the Understand The
Times Ministry Feeding Program and Bryce Homes. You can rest assured
that we will remain faithful in this ministry as we look forward to the
coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Blessed Hope.
Soli Deo Gloria.
In Christ,
Pastor Richard
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