Defying God

Commentary by Roger Oakland
Understand The Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries

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Hardly a day goes by without the news reporting that mankind is on the verge of developing the potential to defy God. A recent news item titled New Company Claims They’ll Be Able to Resurrect the Dead written by Kat Romero makes this point. Quoting from the article:

Entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra attracted a lot of attention when he announced his new artificial intelligence company Humai. Why? Because he claims that by 2045, they'll be able to resurrect the dead. The new company is aiming to “extend and enhance life" by freezing human brains for extended periods of time using cryonics, a deep freezing technology using very low temperatures, and then putting them into artificial bodies. [1]

Of course, the inspiration behind such a promise is easily identified in light of the Bible. While God made it clear to Adam and Eve that the wages of their disobedience (sin) would be physical death, Satan, the great deceiver convinced Eve that God was wrong. Since the fall of man, humans have continually looked for ways to attain the eternal life God promised man at the beginning.

This new technology is described by the owner of the company Humai. We read:

He claims if they were able to transplant a live person’s brain into a bionic body, than it would “achieve a point where no one has to die at all.” Josh hopes to accomplish this in the next 30 years. Responding to any criticism he and the company may face over their shocking proposal, he says: “There are promising breakthroughs happening every year in neuroscience and biotechnology. “We plan to implement [these breakthroughs] as we work towards performing the first surgical procedure of restoring and implanting a human brain to a new bionic body.” [2]

While the title of this article about resurrecting the dead caught my attention, there was actually a single statement found within the article that set me on my heels. Here is what I read: “Tech giant Google has previously said they believed science could make it possible for people to live until they are 500.”

So what? Why is this so significant? For the answer, read the Genesis record. In chapter 4, we are given the genealogy and the ages of the Adam and Eve’s family. It is apparent that at this time in history, humans lived very long life spans. In fact, some lived to be nearly 1000 years old. While Adam and Eve would have lived forever had they not sinned, the fall initiated death to the human race. However, at this time in human history before the human genome was further corrupted by sin, mankind still had the ability to live much longer that the average life span today.

So what does this tell us? Once more the Bible is the key to understanding. Not only can we now understand why humans are trying to find a way to eternal life without acknowledging Jesus Christ, the Savior, through present advancements in technology, but we can also rely upon the Bible to understand our times.

We live in a very dark world. Only the light of God’s word can penetrate this darkness. Are you willing to try?

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[2] Ibid