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Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and Alpha
Commentary by Roger Oakland For printer friendly version,
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On April 14, 2016, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa’s senior pastor Brian Brodersen made the following astonishing remarks on his Facebook page,[1] “What a fantastic introduction to the new Alpha film series! Good one @nickygumbel https://t.co/BvmvHbbZbL.” That link Brodersen provided leads to Alpha Course leader Vicar Nicky Gumbel of the UK. As researcher and berean Mark Jeffries stated recently on Facebook, Brian has partnered with HTB [Holy Trinity Brompton] in the last few years in organizing his "Creation Fest"[2] [UK] - But this, this is an outright endorsement!!”[3] There will be many who will not understand the significance of this post. We will help you connect the dots. As we are living in a period of church history when many are straying away from sound biblical truth, we need to contend for the faith that was “once delivered to the saints.” The saints Jude was referring to are those who have embraced the gospel according to the Scriptures. As Paul told the church at Corinth, there is another gospel, another spirit, and another Jesus. The saints had been led astray by the serpent, and they did not know they had been deceived. Paul was trying to get them back on track. Some paid attention; most did not. Ever since I wrote the book New Wine or Old Deception in 1996, I have had a serious concern about the direction evangelical Christianity has been heading. The book was written and then published by Chuck Smith’s publishing ministry, the Word for Today. It was written as a warning to the church with regard to the “experience-based” Christianity that was happening at that time known as the “Toronto Blessing.” Without describing the entire Toronto Blessing phenomenon in this commentary, I will say this: The Toronto Blessing was triggered off when Vineyard pastor Randy Clarke came to the Toronto Airport Vineyard in January of 1994. He held several nights of meetings and then lit “the fire.” Randy Clarke had received his “anointing” from the “Holy Spirit Bartender” from South Africa, Rodney Howard Brown.[4] For years afterwards, the transferrable anointing spread around the world. “It” was also called “it.” Once someone got “it” they were able to give “it” away. “It” was transported to the UK by Nicky from the Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in England. I personally witnessed Baptists experiencing “it” at a Baptist church on a stopover in London from Moscow in 1996 and wrote about this in New Wine or Old Deception. Nicky who transferred “it” to the UK, leads the Alpha program and has authored much of it. People from all over the world have attended Alpha meetings from many different denominations. While these sincere Christians have believed they were learning biblical truths, they did not understand arsenic was mixed with the topics. Soon teachings relating to the transferable anointing crept into the program. All this is documented in radio commentaries that were presented on Calvary Chapel’s KWVE radio station during this period of time. Later, Nicky visited the late Pope John Paul II in Rome, and an agreement was made between them to “evangelize” together. Perhaps did not realize that Pope John Paul had already initiated “The New Evangelization Program”[5]to win back the “lost brethren” (Protestants) to the “Mother Church.” Apparently, had not done his homework. Although many were warned by Understand The Times on K-WAVE radio programs and also written commentaries, the UTT radio program on K-WAVE soon came to an end. We were told not to mention these topics anymore or we would be removed from the station. Later our programs were removed by the K-WAVE manager.[6] In remembering that time, I was in Rome speaking at a conference when I received word from the K-WAVE management that our program Understand The Times was cancelled. Of course, I knew why. Before I left for Rome, I had told the manager one day what Pastor Chuck Smith had told me personally in a private meeting. He had prayed for me in a private meeting that was attended by his youngest son. Pastor Chuck prayed, “God, please protect Roger from the wolves in Calvary Chapel. Of course, this meant Chuck Smith knew there were wolves in Calvary Chapel. Later, when I told several members of the Calvary Chapel Board that they needed to watch for wolves and who some of the wolves were, they refused to listen to me. Later, when I was very ill from a fall that caused a bleed in my brain, they spread lies and rumors about me that I had lost my mind. Of course, bad news spreads quickly. Many are still saying the same thing today. But back to my point for this commentary. Knowing even a few of these facts about and the Alpha Course, why would Brian and Cheryl Brodersen partner with Nicky and the Alpha Program? Remember Nicky partnered with Rome. You can check this out and see the photo of at Rome yourself. Actually, Gumbel has visited Pope Francis as well as Pope John Paul II.[7] I am unable to give you the answer as to why Brian Brodersen would give such a hearty affirmation to Nicky Gumbel and the Alpha program, but if you are interested, perhaps you should do your own research and also ask your own questions. Maybe if you are close to Brian and Cheryl, you could ask them yourself. Or here are a few more questions: Why would Greg Laurie partner with Rick Warren who has so clearly partnered with Rome?[8] Speaking of Greg Laurie, why would he partner with Lou Engle?[9] Why would Lou Engle partner with Bill Johnson.[10] Lou Engel and many others have partnered together to usher in the Latter Rain and the “Second Pentecost." [11] Why? These revivalists are convinced the “Holy Spirit” will be poured out over the entire planet very soon and there will the greatest revival in history. Stadiums will be overflowing with people seeking God and converted via “signs and wonders.” Where is this in the Bible, and what did Jesus say about the deception that would proceed his Second Coming? Was Jesus deluded or just not aware of what was going to happen? Of course not. For your information the Roman Catholic Church teaches this pouring out of the “spirit” will be done by “Mary” the “mother” of Jesus. This can be documented in the book The Spirit and the Bride Say Come.[12] It is also called the Second Pentecost. Charisma Magazine suggests that America will be transformed and ministries like Greg Laurie’s Harvest and Franklin Graham Crusades will be a major part of this great revival. In the 1999 December issue of Charisma Magazine (see cover below – used legally under the U.S. Fair Use Act), please look carefully at this cover for detail. A sidebar in the issue states: “Fasten your seatbelt. A Christian revival could sweep the world in the next 25 years.”[14]
Note the illustration of the church on the front cover. This church is called the Church in the New Millennium. This issue was published 16 years ago. Charisma is calling for a Christian worldwide revival to happen in the next 25 years. This means there are only 9 years left. The countdown has begun. Also please carefully note the architecture of the church and the surrounding structures. The church of the New Millennium is modelled after St. Peter’s Cathedral and St. Peter’s Square. Notice the arms welcoming all religions to the mother of all churches just like the welcoming arms at St. Peter’s today inviting the world to the “mother of all churches.” Notice the phallic symbol in the middle of the square. This is an obelisk, the same as the children of Israel had erected. Finally, notice the door entering to the Church for the New Millennium. The door is a pyramid, commonly known as the “all seeing eye of God.” I don’t need to tell you what that represents. Have you ever heard about the 33rd degree Masons? Now, as I conclude this commentary. Have you read in the Bible that there will be a global revival and the world will come to Jesus the savior, or did you read that the world and the church at large will be duped in the last days by doctrines of demons? For those reading this commentary who are not reading their Bibles, I would suggest this is the time start reading the Word of God. Quit following men and their ideas and their church-growth, seeker-friendly movements. Many of them scoff at the return of Jesus Christ and say there will be no end-time deception but rather will be a worldwide revival as never known to man. They believe they will be the instruments God will use to bring this global “awakening” to fruition. But where is the scriptural backing for such a notion? Meanwhile, watch the signs—weather, earthquakes, diseases, wars, immorality—are looming out of control. And the only way you can truly prepare for what is coming is read your Bible and look up. Your redemption will be soon.
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeMGn8AFpQo. I referenced this in my article “What is Next for Calvary Chapel?” [3] Stated on Mark Jeffries Facebook account in which he shared this with UTT. [4] See “Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion?” by Warren B. Smith [5] Read my book Another Jesus for documentation on the New Evangelization program from Rome. [8] http://www.christianpost.com/news/greg-laurie-fills-in-for-rick-warren-at-saddleback-church-says-america-needs-to-turn-back-to-god-94403/
http://www.god.tv [13] http://www.amazon.com/The-Spirit-Bride-Say-Come/dp/0911988416 (image used under the U.S. Fair Use Act that allows for the fair use of information for the purpose of review, critique, research, and education). [14] December 2015 issue (cover image used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act)