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"The Passion" and Mary |
Ash Wednesday, Millions
of people are excited about "The
Passion of The Christ" – Roman
Catholics and Protestants. They believe the
film will provide an opportunity to share the
gospel of Jesus Christ. While Christians are
called to be witnesses, it is important to
reach the lost with the biblical gospel.
Needless to say, the gospel must always be
based on the Bible, without compromise. As
well, additions to the gospel based on
personal revelation from mystics or seers can
be dangerous. Therefore,
I believe it is important for Christians to be
warned that “The Passion of The Christ” is not
solely based on the Bible. Mel Gibson has
publicly declared on more than one occasion
that his inspiration for making “The Passion
of The Christ” came from at least one other
source – The
Dolores Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
written by Anne Catherine Emmerich, a Roman
Catholic mystic who lived in the 19th
century. Critics
of Gibson’s film have already expressed
concerns about Emmerich’s vision of the
crucifixion and how it has influenced the
script. For example in an article titled
“Critics say Gibson film mimics a hateful
book,” posted on the web Rabbi
James Rudin, senior interreligious adviser to
the American Jewish Committee, said he also
planned to speak out on the Fox News Network
on Wednesday night. "I
was just stunned when I heard Gibson say this
week that he was unaware of the harsh
anti-Jewish stereotypes in Emmerich's
book," Rudin said. On Wednesday morning,
Rudin said he was comparing the film, which he
has seen twice, with sections of Emmerich's
"The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ." "Here's
one example. There's this whole brutal scene
in the movie in which Jesus' captors hang him
over a bridge by chains and then yank him back
up again," Rudin said. "That's
nowhere in the New Testament. Where did it
come from?" The
scene is nearly identical to one in Emmerich's
book, where she describes a Jewish group, the
Pharisees, egging on a mixed group of Romans
and Jews to heighten Jesus' suffering. [1] For
many who watch the film, such extrabiblical
revelation based on Emmerich’s book, will
not be a problem. They will argue that this is
just the producer expressing “artistic
freedom.” However, I would suggest it is
important to remember that “artistic
freedom,” when it is inspired by a
visionary, may not be inspired by God. And in
the case of Anne Catherine Emmerich, it would
be beneficial for people who plan to see
Gibson’s film to check out Emmerich’s
background and theology – particularly on
the subject of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
order to do this, it will be necessary for you
to read The
Dolores Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ for
yourself. But for now I will provide you with
some interesting insights. For example, on the
back cover of the book, the following
statement is made:
Dolores Passion recounts
with incredible precision the horrendous
sufferings undergone by our Savior in His
superhumanly heroic act of Redemption. Also
illuminating is its description of Mary’s
participation in the sufferings of her Son, so
that this book gives the reader a poignant
understanding of why Our Lady is often called
our “Co-Redemptrix” and Queen of
Martyrs.” [2] Further,
the introduction of the book includes the
following dedication: “To the Immaculate
Heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Queen
of Heaven and Earth, Lady of the Most Holy
Rosary, Help of Christians, and Refuge of the
Human Race.” [3] With
regard to how Anne Catherine Emmerich received
her “gift” of revelation, the book states: Her
angel guardian used to appear to her as a
child; and when she was taking care of sheep
in the fields, the Good Shepherd himself,
under the form of a young shepherd, would
frequently come to her assistance. From
childhood she was accustomed to have divine
knowledge imparted to her in visions of all
kinds, and was often favored by visits from
the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven, who
under the form of a sweet, lovely and majestic
lady, would bring the Divine Child to be, as
it were, her companion, and would assure her
that she loved and would protect her… [4]
it can be documented that Emmerich’s vision
of the crucifixion goes well beyond biblical
parameters. The following is a portion of what
the visionary claimed she saw at Magdelen,
Mary of Cleophas, and John stood near the
Cross of our Lord and looked at him, while the
Blessed Virgin, filled with intense feelings
of motherly love, entreated her Son to permit
her to die with him; but he, casting a look of
ineffable tenderness upon her, turned to John
and said, “Woman,
behold thy Son;’” then he said to
John, “Behold
thy mother.” For
this reason it did not appear to me in the
least surprising that Jesus should call the
Blessed Virgin “Woman,”
of “Mother.” I felt that he intended to
demonstrate that she was that woman spoken of
in Scripture who was to crush the head of the
serpent, and that then was the moment in which
that promise was accomplished in the death of
her Son. It
would be good to keep your eye on “Mary”
when you are watching “The Passion of The Christ”. There will be scenes showing
“Mary” as portrayed in The
Dolores Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Although
these scenes will support the Roman Catholic
view of Mary, her actions and statements
will not always agree with the Bible. Movies are produced by humans who have “artistic rights.” Unfortunately, humans can be deceived. The Bible is inspired by God and is always true, profitable for correction and reproof. [5] When it comes to the Mary and the Jesus of “The Passion, of The Christ” be careful to compare what is said and done in the film with Holy Scripture. Most importantly, when witnessing, be sure to point people to the gospel found in the Bible and to the biblical Jesus – never to a movie.
One more thing, just as I was about to send out this commentary to all those on my mailing list, I received a bulletin from Zenit, a news agency based in Rome. On February 22, 2204, Pope John Paul made a very significant announcement:
Pope Reflects on Lent as Time of Conversion Looks Ahead to Ash Wednesday http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=49456 Is this just a coincidence? What role will Icon Productions and "The Passion of Jesus" play? My next commentary will be "The Passion" and the Eucharistic Jesus.
Understand The Times is an independent non-profit organization in
Canada and the United States.