Alpha And The Pope |
of mine who live in
and Protestants both claim that Alpha
is an excellent tool for evangelism. However,
I have one question: who is evangelizing who? Most
supporters of the Alpha program in But
now it cannot be denied. Alpha News,
March-June 2004 has made it clear
for all to see. On page 7 there is a second
photo of the pope shaking hands with Nickie
Gumbel. The heading above the photo reads:
“As denominations work closer together,
Nickie Gumbel goes to
Alpha News - March - June 2004, page 7 |
the photo of Gumbel and the pope, is a personal
statement made by Gumbel after returning from It
was a great honor to be presented to Pope John Paul
II, who has done so much to promote evangelism
around the world. We have been enormously enriched
by our interaction with Catholics in many countries.
It is a great privilege to meet inspiring leaders
from different parts of the church – Catholic,
Baptist, Salvation Army, Pentecostal, Lutheran,
Methodist and so many more – and discover that
what unites us is infinitely greater than what
divides us.[2] Nickie
Gumbel’s ecumenical statement is a typical
one, these days. Just like others who believe
Catholics and evangelicals can partner together in
proclaiming the gospel, it is common to hear,
“Let’s concentrate on what unites us. Set the
differences aside and just agree to disagree.” In
fact Gumbel emphasizes this position by quoting
Raniero Cantalamessa (pastor to the pope) who has
said: The
battle today is similar to that of the first
century. The battle is around the King: Is Jesus a
Universal Savior, or just one of many? Thus on
crucial issues of our day, we can be united and
proclaim this Jesus to a desperately needy world. [3] Now, at this point, I believe it is important to stop and reason and even ask a question: who is "this Jesus?" While Gumbel is correct in stating that the pope is a zealous promoter of evangelism, what does the Roman Catholic Church mean by evangelism? Further, while the Roman Catholic Church teaches that “Jesus” is the Universal Savior, is the Roman Catholic Jesus (the Eucharistic Jesus that can be resacrificed over and over again), the Jesus who was sacrificed once and for all at Calvary that the Bible teaches about? If
you are bothered by the questions that I am asking,
please don’t become angry without checking out the
facts. Pope John Paul II has called for a “new
evangelization” program. The purpose of this
program is to introduce the world to the Eucharistic
Christ. This "Jesus" can be manifest in a
wafer as the body, blood, soul and divinity of
Jesus. This occurs when the Host is consecrated by a
Roman Catholic priest, and only a Roman Catholic
priest. If
Gumbel believes the Alpha program and the Roman
Catholic Church can partner together in evangelism,
then Gumbel needs to clarify what Jesus this
partnership is promoting. The Jesus, of the Bible, as He was dying said, “It is finished.” There was one sacrifice, at it was made once and for all, at Calvary. If you are an Alpha supporter, you might want to contact Alpha headquarters (alphacourse.org) and ask for clarification.
McDonald and Dusty Peterson. For more information about what is meant by "the new evangelization" you buy "Another Jesus? The Eucharistic Christ and the New Evangelization" by Roger Oakland to be released in June of 2004. Both books are available by clicking on the link below. |
Book - $12.00 3 Books - $25.00 |
“Alpha News,” Alpha International, Holy
Trinity Brompton, [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. |
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