"Where shall the word be found, where shall the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence." - T.S. Elliot
In our last reflection we considered how essential it is for us to be open to God in order to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. Another essential ingredient is silence.
Blessed Mother Theresa once said, "In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence."
There are two types of silence: outward silence and inner silence. External silence is easy. Internal silence is hard to maintain.
Gaining interior silence is not any easy task. It requires great discipline and a lot of patience. During the day, if your mind is flooded with racing thoughts, go back to the sacred word that you use during your time of centering prayer. Repeat the sacred word once.
Trust that the same Jesus that calmed the wind and the waves will also calm your mind as well.