For the first millennium of Christianity, the Christian Church was undivided. There was legitimate diversity of expression reflecting the beauty and universality of the Gospel. Yet, there was clear ortho-doxy and ortho-praxy, right doctrine and right practice.
I long for full communion between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in the Third Christian Millennium. I pray daily for the full communion of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. I do so because I believe it is the will of God that "All May be One" (John 17: 21). I believe the healing of the division between the two churches would unleash a profound renewal of the entire Church at the dawn of the Third Millennium, a new missionary age. I also believe that the gifts found in the whole Church will enrich both East and West and assist us in the mission which we must face together in our One Lord. My theological studies and theological viewpoint are profoundly Eastern in their orientation. So too is my worship. I have long prayed with icons and love the Divine Liturgy. However, I cherish the Chair of Peter as a gift, and a unifying principle for all of Christianity.