An International Missionary Outreach Dedicated to Evangelizing the Lost  By Sharing The Gospel According to the Scriptures

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UTT Philippines

All USA and International credit card donations are processed in our bank in the USA therefore these credit card donations are in US Dollars (USD). All Canadian credit card donations are processed in our bank in Canada therefore these credit card donations are in Canadian Dollars (CAD). Tax receipts will be issued at year end for all Canadian and US donors. 

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$25.00 Monthly

A Monthly Gift
$50.00 Monthly

A Monthly Gift

$100.00 Monthly









Overview Of UTT Philippines
Bryce Homes Philippines
Ongoing Reports From Philippines

Bryce Homes International was founded by Understand The Times as a program to assist widows and orphans around the world. The program is in memory of Bryce Oakland (1974 - 2001).

Bryce Oakland


Overview Of UTT Philippines


We have posted some pictures of the children and Junior Worship for our Mission Philippines
Please click here to view these pictures


You can watch this short video that Roger made about the Malanday Project


The Michael Miller Story   Audio Transcript
UTT Philippines Audio Transcript
Light Into Darkness Audio Transcript
From Garbage To God Audio Transcript
The Gospel With Rice Audio Transcript



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Bryce Homes Philippines

The Understand The Times vision for The Philippines is to work with Richard to help him distribute resources to a number of needy families by establishing a Bryce Homes program in The Philippines.

Bryce Homes International was founded by Understand The Times as a program to assist widows and orphans around the world. The program is in memory of Bryce Oakland (1974 - 2001).

Bryce Oakland


Ongoing Reports From Philippines

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September 2015 Update Letter From Ruben

Dear Brother Roger,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ whom we serve.

We would like to inform you that we have opened a new feeding program at  the Rimiendo residence on Sept. 15, 2015. This will become our regular Good  News Class every Saturday morning. The children will be taught to sing spiritual songs, memorize verses and learn a Bible lesson. Nine children are now attending our Sunday School and we continue to pray that their parents will be reached with the Gospel as well. A similar feeding program is also held at the Madriaga  compound where an average of 20 children are attending every Saturday  afternoon . Bryce Homes is also sponsoring the feeding program of the church during Sundays. 


We also distributed the 2nd batch of vitamins to our scholars, Mark Benson Agting and Joan Fabros to help fortify their stamina against dengue and other upper respiratory ailments, which are prevalent in our community at this time. These children are involved in the Good News Classes and feeding program.

Joan Fabros is a member of the Young Evangelists for Christ Team, which is tasked in doing man-to-man evangelism among the children. Joan and the team go out to witness every first and third Saturdays                                                            of the month. Mark Benson, meanwhile, assist in the Good News class at the Madriaga compound.

At present, Joan is taking up piano lessons while Mark Benson is learning to play the guitar together with other children in the church. We deemed it necessary to include in their education such lessons so that they can be equipped, not only academically, but also be able to play instruments to worship God. This will also give them an opportunity to be involved in the music ministry of the church.


It is our prayer that more children from the Sunday School will be encouraged to learn and play musical instruments, and that the church will have more instruments to lend to these students, since most of them are incapable of buying their own instruments. These students are free to come to church and practice anytime of the week.  Nikki Agting teaches the piano and Rhoderick Ubongen teaches the guitar. Both volunteers are receiving a small lovegift, a token of our appreciation for their voluntary efforts in sharing their talents to these budding children and young teens.

Last month, Joan attended the Girls Scout of the Philippines Camp and was in need of a tent. This gave us the idea of purchasing a tent which Bryce Homes will own and can be borrowed by the scholars anytime they will be in need of it. Joan is scheduled to attend the Girl Scout Jamboree Camp this coming October in Agoo, La Union. 

Indeed, we are grateful for including our church in the ministry of Bryce Foundation. It is our utmost joy to be able to partner with you in spreading the goodness of the Lord through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word and be a vessel in ameliorating the education of the people in the church.

To God be all the glory and honour for He is greatly to be praised!

Your Co-worker in God’s Harvest field,
Ptr. Ruben C. Laoagan


August 2015 Update Letter From Richard

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger

Grace to you!

I want to give you an update regarding what the Lord is doing in Understand The Times Philippines.

Prior to the opening of classes last June 2015 the support for Bryce Homes were used, to buy school supplies such as uniforms, shoes, notebooks, crayons, ballpens, pencils, umbrellas (for rainy season), and other things that they will be needing in school. They were very thankful for all the sponsors of UTTI for Bryce Homes because now, they can see the difference brought by this ministry in their lives. They can still recall the days when they don’t know when to get money to buy things needed for school. They resort to two things then, to lend money with high interest or to let their children stop for one school year because they have no budget for the education of their children. Although the education here is free because of public schools funded by the government, and because of this they don’t have to pay tuition fees and yet the main problem of poor family here in the Phils. is where to get money to buy things needed for school plus the daily allowance needed by their children for food. This is where the Bryce Homes became a great blessing in their lives. Children in Bryce Homes 2-10 are blessed because the things needed in school and their daily allowance for food are provided through the help of Understand the Times ministry.

During the last visit of sis. Becky and Irene here in the Phils. they were able to have fellowship with the Bryce Homes children with their families. Sis. Becky explained to them the vision of Understand the Times and Bryce Homes. They fully understand that Understand the Times and Bryce Homes are only instruments of God for them to know that the Lord cares for the poor and love them and that they need to be thankful to the Lord and be faithful in their personal devotion and private prayers and faithful in worshipping the Lord during Lord’s day. They also understand that the support of Bryce Homes is not forever. When they are able to stand on their feet and became self-sufficient that is the time that they will help others also. We are helping them now, for them to help others in the future and the cycle will continue though we leave this earth to be with the Lord in glory.

Let us continue to pray for the Lord’s ministry here in the Philippines. As we continue to wait for his coming we will work till Jesus comes.

In Christ,



With Regards to the feeding ministry for children, we continue doing it two times a week every Friday and Sunday. Regarding Prison Ministry, for the past three months I was not able to go to the prison because I am taking an automotive class this will last up to the Month of September but our worker in prison, Bro. Antonio Guariño regularly visiting them, encouraging them, knowing their needs and supplying them through the support of UTT prison ministry





May 2015

Bryce Homes Philippines



A sponsored home that we helped start a fishing business



Letters From Sponsored Children In Bryce Homes Philippines

Click on a letter to see it larger




Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!
I want to give you an update regarding Feeding Ministry, Bryce Homes and Prison Ministry.
Prison Ministry
First of all the situation in the prison compound is still the same.  The Bureau of prison is implementing tight security strict regulations for the visitors.  It started last year December 2014 and until now the situation inside the prison in not far better since you are here last month of January.  However, the good thing is that in spite of turmoil the Lord’s work continues to flourish inside the prison.  Our brethren took the current situation in prison as a challenge to continue to persevere to share the gospel of Christ to their fellow inmates.  They have been more zealous in the Lord’s work in spite of all the turmoil.  Let us continue to pray for them that the Lord will continue to show his grace and mercy for the salvation of these prisoners.
Feeding Ministry
With regards to the feeding ministry.  Twice a week we do feeding ministry for the children.  On Sunday morning and in Friday evening.  Prior to the feeding is the preaching of the Word of God.  We all know that our main purpose for this ministry is not just to feed their physical body with the food that will perish but more importantly to feed their souls with imperishable Word of God.  to be able to monitor the growth of the children in the knowledge of the Scriptures, we divided the children into three groups.  The Primary Class which is children ages 3-6 years old.  The Junior Class ages 7-11 years old and the Young People Class ages 12-19 years old.  In the primary and junior class, we are teaching the subject of creation while in the young people class I am teaching them the subject of Christology.

Bryce Homes
Last month (January 2015) we distributed rice for each family and cash for educational allowance for each child under Bryce homes program.  They were very thankful for all the supporters of Understand The Times Ministry and through this letter they want to express their heartfelt gratitude to all the generous souls that were used by God to sustain His ministry.  Truly, God is good and God is great and He continues to use UTT ministry as a means of grace to reach these less fortunate families.  I would like also to inform you that these families are faithfully attending the church and they were much involved in feeding ministry through cooking and serving the children.  You have seen it personally during your visit here last month. 

Finally, more than physical and material blessings I want you to know that the children and their the parents are growing in the Lord.  Hearing the Word of God twice on Sunday and once every Friday helps them a lot in their growth in the knowledge of God and Savior Jesus Christ. 
Let us continue to pray for the Lord’s work here in the Philippines.  You can rest assured that we will continue to stand on our ground and remain faithful to the ministry of the Lord.    
May we be encouraged by the hymn written by Fanny J. Crosby to remain steadfast in our calling.
To the work! To the work! We are servants of God;
Let us follow the path that our Master has trod;
With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew,
Let us do with our might what our hands find to do.
Toiling on, toiling on,
Toiling on, toiling on;
Let us hope, let us watch,
And labor till the Master comes.
To the work! To the work! Let the hungry be fed;
To the fountain of life let the weary be led;
In the cross and its banner our glory shall be,
While we herald the tidings, “Salvation is free!”

Sincerely in Christ,


We have All 6 reports posted. Please scroll to read all the reports

January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `6 Final Report Feeding Program

A very important part of the Understand The Times Philippines ministry is our by-weekly feeding program for children. This ministry is centered in the Malanday area of Manila. Children living in the Malanday area belonging to very poor families are given an opportunity every Friday night and Sunday morning to receive a hot meal and rice to take home when it is available.

While some may disagree that feeding hungry children is a ministry, we founded this program with the purpose of reaching children and their families for Christ. Since the establishment of the program several years ago we have seen this objective fulfilled. Richard and Bernadette’s small church in Malanday has been built on this principle. As the result of the feeding program the church has grown, first by the attendance of the children and then by many of the family members who come later.


While in Malanday in January of 2015 I was able to observe the UTT feeding program following the Sunday school service. As a special gift to be distributed while I was there, we purchased three large bags of rice packaged into smaller plastic bags and handed them out to the children to take home.



 Following Sunday School and before the Morning Service, the children were given a hot meal. No one left hungry. The food they received was very nourishing.

This program would not be possible without the local volunteers. In most cases the volunteers are mothers of children who are participating in the Bryce Homes Program. They assist Bernadette as well as others from the community who come to the church specifically because they see the value in what is being done.


For me, it was a humbling experience to have many of the children grab my hand and then direct my hand to their forehead. This is a customary sign of appreciation Philippino children are taught to express their thanks. In turn, I want to pass this thanksgiving on to those who support of our UTT Philippines ministry.



While some have argued that true Christianity must be based on the message of the saving grace of Jesus Christ alone and feeding hungry mouths has no spiritual value, I am not in agreement with that view. The observations I have made in places like the Philippines, Myanmar, Kenya and South Africa have proven to me that feeding hungry mouths is a demonstration of the love of Christ. It is also a major stepping stone that can lead to the establishment of sincere relationships with Jesus Christ.  Hungry humans see genuine Christians extending their caring hands to meet their physical needs. This is the love of God extended through human means. This is real Christianity!

Understand The Times will continue to provide food and nourishment as a minstry as long as God’s people provide.


January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `5 Bryce Homes

The Bryce Homes International Program began in Myanmar in the year 2006. We called it the Bryce Lodge Program. The vision to establish a facility to meet the needs of poor and orphaned children was born on that first trip. The plan was the direct result of praying about for a program for children that could be established in memory of our son Bryce.

Initially the concept for Bryce Lodges required renting houses and hiring caretakers who would oversee each home. The caretakers would look after the basic needs of about 18-20 children. Most of the children were orphaned. The rest came from situations where parents or grandparents were so poor they could not feed or clothe their children let alone provide then with an education. We shared our vision with our Internet reading list, sponsors donated and the program was born. Within two years we had a total of four Bryce Lodges in Myanmar.

As the program expanded in Myanmar with the addition of several more Lodges, I wondered if there was another way to implement a program in other countries where we could keep the children with their parents or a relatives without relocating them into group homes.  While on a trip to the Philippines in 2010 the answer to my question became evident. Why not adjust the Myanmar program in the Philippines by establishing a Bryce Homes Family Program? We could assist poor children whose parents or grandparents were poor and unable provide for their basic needs. In the Philippines, this is a common problem. The rich are very rich and the poor are very, very poor.

As the central theme for our Myanmar Program was to train up children to become ambassadors for Christ, we wanted to continue that objective in the Philippines. The plan was to work with local pastors or church leaders and other Christians who had a heart to help the poor. These locals would administer the program. My plan was to raise the support, travel to the Philippines once a year, assess the progress and expand the program as funds became available.

Thus, Bryce Homes Philippines was born in the Malanday area of Manila. In the midst of this very poor area is a small Baptist Church. The Pastor and his wife and several church members wanted to reach out to the poor in this area. Their vision was to see hopeless children given hope, education and the opportunity to know Jesus Christ.

Pastor Richard and his wife Bernadette have partnered with Understand The Times for this purpose for five years. Without them and the help that Mike and Becky Miller for us voluntarily by keeping the books back in the United States, this ministry would not be possible.


The Program in the Philippines started slowly with just a few homes.  Now we have a total of 9 Bryce Homes in the Malanday area. This year I visited all the Bryce Homes in Malanday. Pastor Richard went with me and described the situations and circumstances for each home.  All the Homes are connected with Richard’s church in some way. He and Bernadette administer the support we send on a monthly basis.

Some of the children live with grandparents or aunts and uncles because their parents have abandoned them. Some of the families have single parents as the spouse has left the home. Some of the parents are seriously ill and are unable to provide any support for their children. It would be accurate to say that none of the children would be able to attend school, get a school uniform or eat properly without the program.

As I interviewed the children and the caretakers I was impacted to my very core. If our sponsors could do the same they would truly understand how so little can do so much for a child who has no hope for the future. With Richard and Bernadette’s help and encouragement the Bryce Homes Program in Malanday is changing lives for eternity.


Bryce Home One in the Philippines is administered by a friend of Pastor Richard’s, Rey, who also partners with him in the Prison Ministry. Rey and his wife have their own children but they wanted to care for a boy by the name of Abner who has come to live with them.


Abner belongs to a minority group from Mindora, a primitive village that is located in an area about 14 hours by bus from Manila. For several years Rey has provided an environment for Christian and secular education for Abner by taking him into his family. We helped Rey add a room to his very humble home and also provide funds for Abner’s education.

At the end of March Abner will graduate from High School. He has done extremely well in his classes. His goal is to receive further Bible education and then go back to his village where he will minister to his own people.

In the next few months we plan to add several more Bryce Homes in the La Union area of the Philippines. This will be administered through a pastor friend who has expressed an interest in seeing the Bryce Homes Philippines program established in his area.


January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `4

Scheduled on the trip I made to the Philippines in 2007 were speaking engagements to the New Bilibid High and Medium Security Prisons. Since that time, Understand The Times has participated in a Philippines Prison Ministry and contributes resources on a monthly basis to provide assistance for three men to visit the prisoners weekly. This ministry team consists of Rey, Pastor Richard Sorillo, and Tony.


This year there was a problem that prevented us from going to the High Security Bilibid Prison. The day we were scheduled to visit there, an explosive was detonated killing one and injuring 19 others.

The prison was under lockdown the entire time I was in Manila. We were able to park at the gate of High Security Prison and take a few photos and see the activity that was underway with the news media and the National Bureau of Investigation.

The following day we were told that we could visit the prisoners at the Medium Security Prison. When, Pastor Richard, Rey, Tony and myself arrived we discovered that this prison was also under lockdown. We waited for about an hour and were given clearance by the authorities to go into the prison. I was permitted to speak to a group of about 40 prisoners for over one hour.

The number of prisoners in these two prisons is staggering – 17,500 in the High Security Prison and about 7,000 in the Medium. Christian volunteers are welcome to visit the prisons however extensive paperwork is involved before clearance is given.

The prisoners I spoke with were men who are regularly ministered to by the Understand The Times Prison Ministry team. These men have become believers while in jail. Some of them have been incarcerated for 20 years or more, many of them for murder, rape, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and bank robbery. One man told me that when he had been sentenced to jail for life his wife and children abandoned him. He had not seen them nor any of his former friends for 18 years.

There are a number of goals the UTT prison ministry attempts to fulfil. On several occasions Bibles have been given out to prisoners. Visitation is vitally important. For most who come to the weekly meetings, this is the only contact they receive from the outside world. Food, clothing, soap and toothpaste are given out when available. However, the spiritual food the men receive provides a new lease on life. Without the message provided though the Christian faith, life in these prisons is nothing more than an endless spiral into hopelessness.

Since my first visit I have seen a number of changes in the prisoners. New converts have been made and some have been released. One of the prisoners who was given his release is Tony. He spent 16 years in the High Security Prison for murder. Now he regularly attends Pastor Richard’s church in Malanday and plays a major role in assisting Richard in the Prison Ministry by going back and forth to the prisons each week doing the necessary paperwork.

Tony makes a very merger living by peddling a bicycle that has a side carrier for one passenger. He makes about five dollars a day, four days a week. He goes to church on Sunday and volunteers two other days for the prison ministry. As he is now over 50 years old, Tony is finding it more and more difficult to keep up to the physical demand required to continue with the bike-taxi business.

I see Tony’s participation in the Understand The Times Prison Ministry as crucial. For less than $200 we can assist him with the investment he will need to change professions from a bike-taxi driver to a fish salesman. This will alleviate some of the physical stress he has and also give him an opportunity to make a better living as well as free up more time for him to be involved in the Prison Ministry.

Tony’s life and the change that has occurred from a murderer to a minister is a wonderful example of the grace of God. It is also a demonstration the forgiveness of God and the provision of hope that can only be understood in the light of the grace of God.


While in the Philippines this time I interviewed Tony, Rey and Richard on video and asked them a number of questions about the Prison Ministry. In the near future I plan to produce a short documentary so their own words will be able to convey the scope of this ministry.


January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `3

Two Worlds

Throughout the first 25 years of ministry Understand The Times call was mainly to communicate to believers and unbelievers that the Bible contains the truth regarding the past, the present and the future. Then a directional change took place in the ministry when God showed me the importance of assisting poor and orphaned children around the world. This was the direct result of the desire to establish a program in memory of our son Bryce who passed away as the result of a vehicle accident in August of 2001.

Since then the doors opened for Bryce Homes International in a miraculous way. This journey has taken me around the world.  I have met many like-minded friends who have partnered with us to make the Bryce Homes Ministry possible.

Each year I try to visit the four countries where the Bryce Homes Program is operating. As I write this I find myself in the Philippines in the city of Manila. Every time I have visited Manila and the surrounding regions I am reminded that the Philippines is a land of many contrasts. This is not unlike the other countries where Understand The Times partners in ministry.

As our scheduled trip to the Maximum Security New Bilibid Prison was cancelled because of unexpected prison lockdown, I had time to wander around Pasig City by foot to investigate areas that I had not been before. I took my camera with me with the plan of capturing some of the sights.

Pasig City is not a lot different than any other modern city that I have visited around the world. Huge shiny glass skyscrapers surrounded me on every side. Dozens of traffic officers taking the place of traffic lights, waved their arms and blew their whistles in an attempt to control the endless traffic. Motorbikes wove in and out of lanes horns honking incessantly. It was apparent to me that even walking on the sidewalk was a risky proposition.  Crossing a street in order to go from one block to the next made me very uncomfortable. In fact on more than one occasion I wondered if I should return to my hotel room and remove myself from harm’s way.

My destination and goal was to find the Pasig Megamall which I had been told was within walking distance of my hotel. The hotel desk clerk said this is where I should go if I wanted to see the culture of modern day Manila. As I approached the mall a sense of amazement overcame me.

The complex consisted of a huge building several blocks long and five stories high. Up and down escalators, stairs and elevators were packed with people rushing in every direction in order to spend money on every product known to man. The number of restaurants and fast food outlets was endless.


Every department store I have ever heard of could be found there. Some of these department stores encompassed several floors of the mall. On the fifth level there was a full size hockey/skating rink, a bowling alley and an IMAX Theater. Name any store or business and it was there.



After about one hour I left the mall and headed back to towards my hotel. As I left I was faced with a constant moving wall of humanity. It was difficult to remain on the sidewalk as people were pushing and shoving each other in a race to get to the mall and spend money on “stuff” I am sure most of them did not need.

The following day, Pastor Richard picked me up at my hotel and we drove to Malanday, the location where 9 of our 10 Bryce Homes are located in the Philippines. This is where Understand The Times has been called to partner with Pastor Richard since 2010 sharing the gospel with the poor.

My first trip to the region was organized by Mike and Becky Miller from the USA. Becky grew up in the Philippines and has a heart for her people. Both of them help me to administer the UTT Philippines Ministry.

Becky’s friends, Pastor Richard and his wife Bernadette, invited me to their small church in Malanday to speak at a conference. While I was there I was touched by the great needs of the people, especially the children. I was open to the idea of finding a way to come alongside Pastor Richard to assist him financially so that he could reach out to poor and needy children in this area.

There are no shiny glass skyscrapers in the Malanday area of Manila. Most of the people were relocated there by the government from “shanty towns.” Most of the houses have been thrown together with whatever building materials that could be obtained. The area is located in a flood zone next to the Marakina River. When the heavy rains come during the typhoon season all the homes are subject to flooding and devastation. I have seen this first hand on several occasions. The water rises to the second floor of the dwellings and destroys everything.


There are no vehicles in the side streets of Malanday, only motor bikes with side carriers and bicycles. Instead of stores and restaurants there are street vendors selling anything they can to try to make a few pesos. Graffiti decorates the walls. Doors are often barred by iron gates. Most of the families are so poor they cannot afford to clothe or feed their children. Sending their children to school never the less purchasing school uniforms so they can attend school is a luxury they are unable to afford.

Every year when I visit our Bryce Homes in Malanday I make sure that I meet with the children and the parents or grandparents who are in charge of the home. Each year we try to add more homes to meet more needs. We will continue to do this ask long as God provides for the ministry.

This trip confirmed for me that Understand The Times has been called to share the gospel and minister to the poor and needy around the world. We are not interested in building material kingdoms the world (and the church) can see. I am thankful for the many from around the world who support this ministry and feel the same.


January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `2

After resting on day one, the plan for day two in Manila was to visit the Bilibid High Security Prison and speak to a group of prisoners. However, this was not to be the case. I received a call later in the day telling me that we would not be going because of a serious incident that had occurred at the prison earlier in the day. When I turned on the TV, the news reported the situation. Yesterday the headlines in the Manila papers were: 1 Dead, 19 Hurt in Bilibid Blast. The time this incident happened would have been the exact time we would have been visiting the compound.

Following is the link to an article that explains what happened:

The other news here in Manila is concentrated on the coming visit by Pope Francis that will occur a few days after I leave. It is worth the time to read the following articles to get a better perspective of the pandemonium created here as a result of the preparation for the Pope’s visit.

Over 30,000 police officers and troops have been recruited to protect the Pope while he is here:

Policeman and security workers will be required to wear adult diapers as they will not be allowed to leave their positions, even when nature calls:

Yesterday the annual “Black Nazarene” Parade took place in Manila. Several million devotees lined the parade route pushing and shoving for a chance to see the black wooden statue and perhaps a chance to “kiss” it. The news reported:

Today we will attempt to visit the prisoners Pastor Richard ministers to in the Bilibid Medium Security Prison and then visit several Bryce Homes. I will continue to interview our leaders in order to provide footage for informational videos for our Understand The Times Philippines ministry.


January 2015 Roger Oakland Trip Report `1

I am writing this report from Manila. I arrived here late January 6 after flying from Orange County to San Francisco, San Francisco to Tokyo and then Tokyo to Manila.

While the trip was long and I was unable to sleep on the planes, I am thankful that I can say I am here safely and without any problems. Thanks to the assistance I received from friendly travelers who helped to lift my carry on case into the overhead compartment and then lower it when we landed, I was able to make the trip without any difficulty. This is a humbling experience but a necessary one for me at this time.

Pastor Richard and Rey met me at the Manila Airport then drove me to my hotel where I will be staying for six nights. On our trip from the airport to the hotel we discussed tentative plans in order to make good use of the time while I am here. The three main items on the list are the prison ministry, the feeding program ministry and visiting each of the ten Bryce Homes in the Manila area. I also will be gathering video footage that we will be using in order to put together video reports from the Understand The Times Philippines ministries posted on our site and on YouTube.

Before leaving the USA I discussed with Mike and Becky Miller (they assist us with overseeing the Bryce Homes Program in the Philippines) the possibility of expanding the program in another location in the Philippines located about a four hour drive north of Manila. While I am here I will be gathering more information.

For today, rest is on the agenda.  We are also waiting to hear whether or not we will be permitted to visit the high security prison while I am here as there have been visitor restrictions implemented because of problems that occurred there recently. Lord willing we will be able to go there and visit the prisoners that Richard and Rey minister to on a regular basis. 

As the week unfolds we will be posting more reports.



November 10  2014 - Philippines Update

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you and peace.

I want to thank the Lord for His steadfast love that never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, and they are new every morning.

Truly, the Lord continues to show His steadfast love and kindness through the ministry of Understand the Times here in the Phils..  Children are not just learning the Word of God they are also fed by the nutritious food provided by Understand The Times feeding ministry.   Twice in a week every Sunday morning (feeding for children) and Friday evening (with the parents) we do the feeding ministry regularly.  Parents are very thankful for this ministry that they consider this as a big blessing that their children are fed twice in a week and once a month we are giving each child a kilo of rice.   As of this moment we are now on our preparation for the gift giving on December.  This has been the tradition of the church to give a gift for these poor children every third week of December.

May the Lord continue to bless the ministry of Understand The Times International  so that it may continue to be a blessing in the lives of hundreds of individuals all over the world.  You can rest assured that all you support for the ministry are used for its intended purpose.

Let us continue to serve the Lord while we still have the strength and the opportunity to do it.  All glory belong to God!

In Christ,




Along with the feeding  program UTT also has established 10 Bryce Homes and a prison ministry.




July 23, 2014 Bryce Homes Update

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger!  

Grace to you!

I am glorifying God for what He is doing in the ministry of Bryce Homes here in the Philippines.  Last June the Lord added three new children in Bryce Homes.  They are John Eric 13 years old., Roemrod Carreon 13 years old and Mary Joy Castro 11 years old.  Under Bryce homes program they will be receiving daily school and food allowances.  They are chosen among other children because of their faithfulness in attending the church and they are among the most needy.  In the attached pictures you can see the Bryce Homes recipients with their parents showing school supplies and school uniforms that they bought from the school allowance sponsored by UTTI.  I would like you to know how they are thankful to the Lord for using UTTI as a means to unload the burden of poverty and to feel a little bit of comfort.  On behalf of them, thank you very much Understand The Times International and all of its sponsors for making yourself as an instrument of God’s grace in reaching these less fortunate families.  You can rest assured that all the support you are extending them will be used for its intended purpose.
Let us continue to pray for the provision of the Lord and we will be looking forward on the day that these children will be the one who will help other less fortunate children also.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Gal. 6:9 KJV)
In Christ,


July 22, 2014 Mission Philippines Update

Dear Bro. Roger and Mike,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I received the support for the month of June and July Thank you very much.
By the grace of God were safe for the past typhoon Glenda that hit metro manila except for some isolated cases in our areas like fallen trees and ripped roofs because of strong wind . this month of July to September is rainy season in the Philippines and we experience rain showers for more than a week last week after the typhoon I'm collecting the trees use for firewood we started using firewood since month of January due to high prize of LPG and since March I planting pechay and other vegetables to vacant lot owned by government 
The Lord is doing well especially to Abner in his spiritual life and his study my family is very thankful to God and Praying for UTT and the sponsors. I would like to thank God for you Roger and Mike for using  your life to others as a blessing truly the support of UTT is great help to Abner and my family for their needs. God Bless.
In Christ,


July 10, 2014 Prison Ministry Update

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

I would like to give you an update on what the Lord is doing in our prison ministry supported by UTTI here in the Philippines.

Last Saturday July 12, 2014 we baptized two inmates in Medium Security Compound namely, Bro. Rudy Campos his case is Homicide and Illegal Possession of Firearms and Bro. Dickey Thomas his case is Robbery. Both of them get to know the Lord Jesus Christ in prison, through the prison ministry. It’s been quite a long time since they confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior and yet we delayed the process of their baptism because we want to confirm the genuineness of their confession to Christ by fruit of repentance and by showing the life that was really change by God or through holy living and I can attest that these men are really born again.

Prior to baptism I explained to them that believers baptism is not the same with baptismal regeneration but instead this is just a symbolism of death, burial and resurrection of Christ by which through their confession to Christ they participate in His death burial and resurrection. Their old man was crucified to Christ and buried with Him in Baptism (Rom. 6:4) and they will now walk in the newness of life.

Joy overflowing in my heart to see men, which in their former lives are living in darkness and wickedness and yet through the grace and mercy of God are now living in light and walking in obedience to Christ. Truly, all our sacrifices and efforts are not in vain because God is doing a good work in prison, saving souls and changing lives and all glory belongs to Him.

The hymn of Alfred Judson describes it best,

Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters,
Chained like a slave I struggled in vain;
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.

Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,

Let us continue to pray for more souls here in prison that are still living in sin and darkness, that they may not harden their hearts but instead submit themselves to the Lordship of Christ.

I attached herewith some of the pictures taken during the baptism and a glimpse of life inside the prison cell.

In Christ,



March 2014

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,
Grace to you!

I am in receipt of UTTI support for the month of December-March sent monthly by Bro. Michael Miller, intended for Feeding Ministry, Bryce Homes, and Prison Ministry.  

I am very glad to give you an update on what the Lord is doing here in the Philippines through UTTI ministry.  This month of March would be the final month of schooling of our children in Bryce homes and they are on their way to the long summer vacation for two months from April to May.  By the grace of God all the children under Bryce Homes have passed the school and they are very thankful to the Lord for the generous support of UTTI Ministry.  Our church is now preparing for the upcoming major church events this summer.  Church Family camp on April and Daily Vacation Bible School on May.  May our Good Lord continue to use this church activities for the spiritual growth of every children and families in the church.   

With regards to our feeding ministry, I would like to inform you that the children are growing physically and spiritually.  The children that formerly belong to the Primary Group have been transferred now to Junior Class and few more years and they will be in Young People Class.  Truly, time flies so fast and let us continues to pray that these children abide with what
they learned from the word of God that they may be used in God’s kingdom when they grow up.  

Thank you very much Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger and to all the supporters of UTTI ministry for your burden for the ministry of the Lord in reaching less fortunate people for Christ.   

May the Lord continue to bless UTTI ministry.

In Christ,


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Prison Ministry Philippines March 2014

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,
Grace to you!

I would like to give you an update with regards to the prison ministry here in the Philippines supported by Understand the Times Ministry.  Once I have expressed my desire to quit prison ministry due to the fact that prison ministry is so laborious, hard, risky and demands more time.  There comes a time that I stopped teaching in prison and I only went there to give their financial support courtesy of Understand The Times International ministry.  Yet, all these changed when one Saturday an inmate in prison talked to me and opened his heart to me and express his deepest gratitude for time and effort that we are doing in prison.  He is very thankful because for almost 15 years of prison ministry he saw how the grace of God sustained their need in prison.  It was then I realized how the Lord’s love and mercy were felt in prison through this ministry.  I realized also how I became selfish, thinking only my personal comfort and ease without realizing that these inmates are suffering and destined to eternal condemnation if nobody will share to them the gospel of salvation through faith in Christ alone.  I became blind to the fact that seeing convicted criminals singing “amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me” is truly a wonderful sight to behold.  Convicted criminals changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ are now preachers of the gospel that saved them.  I would like also to inform you that two inmates that have been released from prison became a member of our church in Malanday Marikina.  They are very faithful to the Lord and they are the one who come with me whenever I visit the prison.  I was challenge to Michael Miller because every time he will spent his vacation here in the Philippines with his family, he always find time to visit our brethren in prison not just in Maximum and Medium Security Compound but also in Iwahig Penal Colony in Palawan which is a separate island from Luzon.

As of now I continue my regular teaching in prison.  I am teaching them spiritual discipline and Bible survey in the Book of Corinthians.  I attached herewith undated photos of our Brethren in prison expressing their deepest gratitude to Understand The Times International Ministry.  I attached here also pictures of Bro. Michael Miller during his visit in Medium Security compound and in Iwahig penal colony in Palawan.

Thank you very much bro. Mike and Bro. Roger and may the Lord continue to put the burden in your hearts for the prison ministry.

We will work till Jesus comes!

In Christ,



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December 18, 2013

Bryce Homes Update from Manila
Update 1

This update is coming to you from Manila where I am presently located. I arrived here late on the 15th of December and will be heading back to the USA on the 21st in time to be at home with my family for Christmas.

While the Philippines has been in the world news lately because of the terrible typhoon that caused destruction and death in a wide area, all of our Bryce Homes were spared from this disaster in the Manila area. Before this disaster struck I had made plans to visit the Philippines while Mike and Becky Miller were here to visit their family for the Christmas season and to update myself on the progress of the Bryce Homes Program here as well as to look at the possibility of expanding the number of homes.

Yesterday I met with, Rey and Gleceria Laoagan (Bryce Home One) and their five children. As well, the Laoagan family looks after Abner, an 18 year old boy from a remote tribe in the Philippines, who is receiving his High School education in Manila while living with the Laoagan family. Abner will be graduating from High School in March and has plans to continue his education at a Bible Seminary where he will be trained to become a Bible teacher and take the gospel in his native language to his home community.


Two years ago when we started the Bryce Home Program in the Philippines we assisted the Laoagan family to build an addition to their house in order to accommodate the addition of Abner and one other boy. The second boy returned to his village as his mother was very ill and will not be returning.

Addition To Bryce Home 1

While visiting Rey and his family I was informed that there are several children orphaned from the recent typhoon who are now attending the same school Abner is attending in Manila. I have asked that research be done and if there is a way we can add one or more of these orphans to our Bryce Homes program, we will offer to do so.

On another note, funds for the Understand The Times/Lighthouse Trails Special Winter Building Program are coming in on a daily basis. Winter Offering Special Building Fund We are about half way to our goal and are trusting the Lord to provide through year end giving that often comes in the last week of the year.

Over the next few days I will be sending more reports from Manila that will be posted at our Understand The Times website.

Roger Oakland
Understand The Times

Bryce Homes Update from Manila

From Roger Oakland Report 2

Yesterday was another great day here in Manila. Pastor Richard along with Mike Miller picked me up at my hotel in the afternoon and we headed for Malanday, a region where six Bryce Homes are located.  We were greeted by an afternoon heavy downpour on the way as well as the traffic that clogs the Pasig City streets almost twenty-four hours every day.

Finally after a full hour we arrived at our destination. The Malanday area is where Pastor Richard and his wife Bernadette have established a church among some of the poorest people in the Manila area. Most of the people that live in this region have been moved there by the government from shanty areas and given some assistance to construct shelters. Some of the shelters are acceptable by western standards but most are not. It is in this area that we have reached out to some of the poorest families attending Richard’s church for the purpose of establishing six more Bryce Homes.

As darkness was approaching quickly we only had time to visit four of the six homes. Later today when we return to the area for the Understand The Times Christmas Program which will be for all the poor children in the area we will visit the remaining two homes.

While the Philippine government provides free education for all children, the families in this area are so poor they are not able to send their children to school as they are not able to provide food and clothing. In some cases they will be able to send one child to school but the remaining children in the family must remain at home and work. The Bryce Homes Philippine Program comes along side families in situations like this and assists them financially on a monthly basis so the children can attend school.

While all children in Bryce Homes Program have benefited spiritually and physically over the three full years the program has been in place, there is one handicapped boy who touched my heart from the beginning that I want to mention. Initially when I met Russel and his mother he was very withdrawn and frightened. He did not want to communicate in any way with me. It was obvious that he needed special education and care because of his condition. Now after three years you would hardly know he is the same boy. While clearly stating a number of English words he hugged me expressing his appreciation. In fact, he did not want to leave my side and followed me everywhere I went. His mother told me he is improving every day and loves to attend his special education classes. She also hugged me with appreciation and with tears in her eyes.

Russel And Papa Roger

The children I visited in the remaining three homes we visited yesterday were also very grateful. One of the purposes of my trip here, this time, was to give the parents of each home a special Christmas gift from Understand The Times to assist their families at this special time of the year and to encourage them. These gifts were made possible by the generous donations we have received from donors through Understand The Times.

Christmas Cash from UTT

Several of our Bryce Homes are in dire need of physical reconstruction. While we do not have the funds to assist now we will look at this possibility in the future. As well, there are at least three other families who attend Richard’s church who are in great need of sending their children to school and would fit well into our program here. As our donors express their support we will pass these funds on to Pastor Richard who oversees our program here in the Philippines.

Bryce Home 2 Needs Repair

Later today we will be returning to Malanday for our Christmas Party. I brought, with me, several packages of Christmas candy which most of the children will have never experienced before. We will also provide bags of rice for their families so that many lives will be blessed.

Just before we left, Mike Miller felt upon his heart to provide a special cash donation to the lady who volunteers her time to help cook every week for the feeding program. This has become a community that has become united together because of the goodness they have seen distributed from others around the world who have expressed their love and concern. It is because of Mike Miller and his love for the Lord that God led me to this area.


For me, the progress that I have seen as the gospel of Jesus Christ is being spread in the Philippines, is very gratifying. I know that my son Bryce would be excited and grateful to see what has been accomplished here in the Philippines in his memory.

Tomorrow I will be reporting on the Christmas party for all the poor children in the Malanday region.

Roger Oakland
Understand The Times

From Roger Oakland Report 3 Final Report

We arrived in the Malanday area of Manila early Saturday morning in plenty of time to visit the remaining two Bryce Homes that we had not visited. Already there were children gathering for the Christmas Party Understand The Times had planned for the children in the area who attended the feeding program during the year at Pastor Richard’s church.

The mothers of several of the Bryce Homes, Pastor Richard’s wife Bernadette, and several volunteers were at the church preparing the food that would later be given out as part of the special Christmas celebration. For the vast majority of the children, this feast would be a dinner they had never before experienced – spaghetti with meat sauce along with plenty of chicken.

The Christmas program began at about ten in the morning with Pastor Richard welcoming the seventy or more children from ages 5 to 17 who had assembled. Three age groups participated in the program reciting Bible verses and singing a number of Christmas hymns and songs. Pastor Richard asked me to share a short message based on scripture with regard to the meaning of Christmas explaining the importance of Jesus, the most important gift that has ever been given.

Following this message the children played a series of relay games according to age groups. Without question this was a delightful time as everyone was cheering for their own team and shouting loud enough to raise the tin roof of the church. Then came time for the handing out of gifts to every child that was in attendance. Each received a bag of candy, bag of rice for their families and an article of clothing. All of the volunteer helpers received gifts as well.

Finally it was time to eat. Individual plates full of food were handed out to everyone. I only wish our Understand The Times supporters could have been there to experience the joy that I experienced and the wonderful blessing I received to see firsthand what God is doing in the Philippines through the ministry that has been raised up.

The children who are part of this feeding program are all regular attendees of Sunday School and other Bible classes held at Pastor Richard’s church. They have all heard the gospel and know what it means to be “saved by grace.” I am grateful to Pastor Richard and his team for the great work they are doing in this poor community as they reach out to the hungry but more importantly to those who are spiritually lost. When I asked Richard about his assessment of the Understand The Times feeding program he told me that about fifty percent of the adult congregation were attending his church as the result of children in the program bringing their parents to church to hear the gospel.

What God is doing through the ministry of Understand The Times under the guidance of Pastor Richard in the Philippines is truly exciting.



November 2013

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!

I am in receipt of UTTI support for the month of September, October and November sent monthly by Michael Miller.  This is intended for Bryce Homes, Feeding Program and Prison Ministry. 

This month of November our country was devastated by Super Typhoon "Haiyan" (local name "yolanda") and it cause billions of pesos worth of properties damaged and thousands of lives lost.  If you will look at the aerial view of the damaged it looks like that several atomic bombs has been dropped and this happened a few days after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake happened in Bohol, central visayas almost the same location of the typhoon.  The whole country of Philippines is in sorrow for this fateful events.  In spite of this gloomy environment we  look positive and trying to look these events through the eyes of faith.  Just like the word of Jeremiah in Lamentations 3:21-23
“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.  It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness.”

By the grace of God the UTTI ministry here in Phils. is several hundred miles away from the place of devastation.  We can say that we are not affected physically but seeing the pictures of devastation in TV monitor will make your body shake in fear.  Yes, we are not affected physically but emotionally we are.  We sympathized with our fellow Filipino's and again I see how our nation stand united in helping our countrymen affected by the typhoon.  Different organizations from various sectors extend their help to the victims of typhoon.  Even churches of different denominations are extending their support.  Not only that, even prisoners in Muntinlupa maximum security compound (where we do prison ministry) skip a meal or two to let their raw ration food be donated to typhoon victims.  By these I see the hand of God how they moved us to stand united.  Also, when you see how our good Lord moved the hearts of international community to help our nation
you will
truly glorify God.  Instead of shuttering our faith this recent calamity strengthen our faith because in it I see the sovereign hand of God reminding us the only thing we need in this world is God.  It reminds me of Psalms 46:8, 10
Come, behold the works of the LORD, how he has brought desolations on the earth…Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”

Please help us pray that the recent calamity happened in our country may bring people on their knees humbling themselves in the sight of God.

Thank you very much UTTI for your prayers and support.

We will work and glorify God till Jesus comes.
In Christ,



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Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!

Last Friday, November 8, 2013 our country was hit by a super typhoon “Yolanda” (international name: Haiyan) and it is considered as one of the worst storms ever recorded that washed away homes and schools and hundreds people are believed dead.  The Aftermath of typhoon were corpses hung from tree branches and were scattered along sidewalks and among flattened buildings, while looters raided grocery stores and gas stations in search for food, fuel and water. 

But you have nothing to worry because by the grace of God the Lord spared Manila from this devastation cause by super typhoon.  Malanday, Marikina where our Bryce Lodge located was more than 200 miles away from the place of Devastation.   I just can’t imagine if this happen in Manila where most of the poorest of the poor were living it would cause more lives and devastation but praise the Lord because He spared us from this great tragedy.  You have witnessed bro. Roger how our Bryce lodge have been affected by flood last year 2012 and thank God because this year we have no experienced of flood. 

This month of November, the second quarter of school was ended and I checked the report card of our Bryce kids and I am happy to inform you that they were doing good in school.  They are very thankful for the school and food allowance sponsored by UTTI.  They are now ready for the third and fourth quarter of schooling that will commence this month and will end in April.  They are prepared due the assurance that UTTI will always be there to assists them to their need.  To God be the Glory!

With regards to the spirituality of the children and their family (which I know this is our first priority) I would like to inform you that they continue to remain faithful in the Lord.  I am teaching right now the doctrine of Christ (Christology) to the Young people of the church, because we separated young people from small children.  Every first week of the month we are doing couple’s fellowship in the church intended for the education of parents on how to train their children in the way of the Lord.  We obliged the parents of our Bryce Lodged kids to attend this meeting and so far they appreciate the Biblical principles on parenting that they are learning in this fellowship.

Overall the Bryce Lodge ministry is doing good here in the Phils. by the grace of God.  Please help us pray that the Lord continue to touch the hearts of these children and their parents as well.

Looking forward in seeing you and working with you here in the ministry of UTTI here in the Philippines.

In Christ,



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August, 2013  Letter 1

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!

I would like to inform you that UTTI ministry here in the Phils. continue to do good by the grace of God.  Aside from our regular feeding ministry for children, our regular teaching ministry for them also continue.  We return from the New Testament public ministry of Jesus as we are done with the Old Testament stories and books.  Once a month we do bible quiz for children to determine how do they remember the lessons they learned in a month.  We are also training them how to open their bibles and find the text in scriptures.  Children ages 7 and 8 are now learning to use their bibles and find the text in Scriptures.  Although we are using slide presentation in our teaching and yet we make sure that they have bibles in hand every time we cite text in Scriptures since the text will not appear on the slide.  This is our way of training them to use their bibles and also to encourage them to bring their own bible every time they go to church.  We are reviving the traditional way of attending church that each person must bring their own Bibles as I have noticed now a days that since most of the churches are using slide Christians tend to leave their Bibles at home.  However, if we our children ministry is doing good, we have some setbacks in prison ministry.  I only go to prison once a month and this is just to give their support.  Before, I go to the prison regularly at least once a week and there are times I go twice a week.  I do regular teaching in prison before both in our church inside the prison and in Bible School inside the prison.  Since I got busy with my work I abandoned teaching ministry in prison and I only go there to give their support.  Please help me pray to find a person who will dedicate time for prison ministry to train and to teach our brethren in prison.  I even offer this ministry to Bro. Rey Laoagan and yet until today he is undecided.  I seriously considering to turn over
prison ministry to a church that will have burden in prison.  Please help me pray about this although I have burden in prison ministry but I don't have enough time.

Thank you very much UTTI for your continuous support in your ministry here in the Phils.  May the Lord continue to bless UTTI ministry!

To God belong all the Glory, Honors and Praises!

In Christ,


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August, 2013   Letter 2

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!

Attached herewith are pictures of Bryce Homes Scholars taken last June 2013 receiving their monthly support which they used to purchased things needed for school such as school supplies, bags, uniforms, shoes, and books.  They are very thankful for all your support and prayers, and in return this 1st quarter of school year I have checked their report cards in school and I find their grades much higher compare to their grades prior to becoming scholars of Bryce Homes and it is due to the fact that this time they have more time to focus on their studies because their need in school are provided through the help of Understand The Times Ministry. 

Thank you very much UTT and all its supporters.  Truly the Lord is using your ministry to change lives and create and impact to the lives of these unfortunate children.  Truly the Lord is Good and Faithful and He will not fail to provide for the needy.

Let us continue to proclaim God's goodness and grace through preaching the gospel and doing kindness to the needy.

We will work till Jesus comes!

In Christ,


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May 30, 2013

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,
Grace to you!

I am in receipt of UTT support for the month of April and May. This is intended for feeding, prison ministry and for Bryce Homes Kids. I want to thank the Lord because every week I noticed how the Lord works in the heart of little children benefitting from our feeding ministry. It is with deepest joy that I inform you that two weeks ago the church baptized one soul which is a product of our feeding ministry. He is no other than Jerome Martizana. He started attending the church at the age of 9 and after almost 8 years of hearing the word of the Lord, he finally confessed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We took him as our church caretaker and church worker. The church is also supporting him in his schooling. This year he will attend first year college. Truly the Lord works in a mysterious way. This is such an encouragement knowing that the Lord in His Time saves soul. We need to persevere and exercise patience, hope and faith because we know that our labor in Christ is not in vain.
Please help us pray for the souls of the children whom we feed because we know that aside from the physical food, they need spiritual food for their souls which is the Word of God.
Thank you very much UTT. God bless you more! To God be the Glory!

Sincerely In Christ,


April 9, 2013

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

I am sending the pictures of Feeding and Rice Distribution of Understand The Times Ministry. We are giving a kilo of rice for every child under our feeding program at least once a month.

I am in receipt of UTTI monthly support for the month of March. On behalf of all the recipients of UTTI support to children that benefits in our feeding ministry, inmates in prison that are very thankful for your continuous support, and Bryce Homes kids for food and school support.

Truly, UTTI Philippines ministry has gone a milestone in serving our Lord with sincere desire to help the needy and in bringing lost souls to Christ. You can rest assured that all the support you are sending us is used for its intended purpose. Let us continue to pray for the provision of our loving and gracious Lord. May He continue to bless all the souls that He is using behind Understand the Times International Ministry.

In Christ,





March 6, 2013

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!

Sending you the latest pictures of Bryce Homes 2-7 giving school support and food for their daily sustenance. They are very grateful to the Lord for using UTTI as a means of grace through helping them to cope up with the daily struggle of living. These families are faithfully attending the church and let us continue to pray that the Lord will touch their hearts and open their minds so that they would come to the understanding of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

Praise the Lord for using both of you and the ministry of Understand The Times in reaching less fortunate souls and bringing them to the Lord. We will continue to pray for God's provision for UTTI to be able to maintain all the necessary expenses for the ministry.

Looking forward for the Great day of Christ coming!

In Christ,



January 12, 2013

Day five in Manila was another seminar day. This time the church in Malanday was packed, both the main floor and the balcony above.  Youth groups had been invited from several churches. They had never heard anyone present the reasons why creation is the foundation of the Christian faith nor seen the evidence that exposed the Darwinian evolution view.

I spoke three times during the day developing the case for creation. It seemed as if everyone was interested in the information.

As on the previous day Michael Miller spoke and shared his testimony. His talk was appreciated by everyone. Michael is unique. Few that I know who suffer a disability like cerebral palsy are willing to stand up in front of a crowd and share how God has touched their lives. Mike does this in a very effective way.

The day was long and very hot. When the question period that ended the conference was over we still had time to visit the remaining Bryce Homes in the area. A month ago, a sponsor contacted me letting me know that he would commit to sponsoring an additional Bryce Home in the Philippines. This brings our total number to seven.

The Bryce Homes Program in the Philippines assists poor Christian parents to send their children to school and to also provide clothes and food. This can be done for as little as $100 per month. There are no administrative costs as Pastor Richard implements this program voluntarily though his church.

Many of the children in his church started to attend regularly because they were being fed twice a week by the feeding program we support. Eventually, one parent or sometimes both parents starts attending and they hear the gospel and become Christians. As you can see this is not just the “rice gospel.” This is the gospel according to the scriptures. Not only will lives be changed for “the here and now” but for “eternity”.

It is our hope and prayer that at least some of these children will continue their education and become leaders that will impact their country for Jesus.  All of the families that we are supporting that have been designated as Bryce Homes are moving ahead with Christ leaps and bounds. If you are participating as a donor in any way to the program we want to thank you for what you are doing. God is at work in one of the poorest areas of the Philippines and people like you are making a difference.


January 11, 2013

It has been several years since I have spoken three times in one day on the topic of creation. Yesterday I had that opportunity. While the heat and humidity was somewhat challenging at times, by the grace of God the task at hand was accomplished. The group in attendance was made up of a mixture of pastors and church workers from several churches.

I must say that getting back to the subject of the importance of biblical creation was invigorating for me. For the last decade the discernment side of the ministry has overshadowed the basic creation-evolution ministry that was the foundation of my call into ministry.

It seems that discernment is a battlefield with so-called believers who seem bent on heading down the road of apostasy. Continuous conflict has consequences. There are very few rewarding experiences that accompany this kind of ministry. However, worldwide, I have found that in most cases, when the evidence is presented to support the biblical creation view, people are blessed and encouraged.

This was certainly the case yesterday. As the day unfolded, the topic reinforced the concept that faith in the Word of God is dependent on hearing the Word of God. By showing evidence from the facts we find in biology, geology and archaeology supporting the Bible, faith was built up. A number of the attendees were excited about the meetings and thanked me for coming. We also handed out a number of Evidence for Creation books and Searching for the Truth on Origins DVD packets


Following the completion of the conference there was time to visit three Bryce Homes in the Malanday area. The last time I was there was during the flood caused by the typhoon last August when the area was devastated. The area looked so much better I could hardly believe my eyes. For those who donated to assist our Bryce Homes during this time, we express our gratitude to you. You have no idea what a difference you made in the lives of these families.

I got back to my hotel room late in the afternoon completely exhausted. Tomorrow will be another interesting day as we are scheduled to speak to a group of students, many of them who have been already indoctrinated by evolution by their education.


January 10 2013

Yesterday was a partial day of rest while the rest of the day was spent visiting Bryce Home One. This is the first home we established here in the Manila area. The caretaker and overseer is Rebecca Miller’s brother Ray who I have known since the first time I came to Manila five years ago.

It was Ray’s vision to provide education for at least two poor native children from a remote area of the Philippines. The two boys are Joseph and Abner. They attend school nearby with his own children and stay with his family. As Ray’s family live in a very small home, UTT was able to provide funds for him to build a small addition to his house where they can have their own room.

It was very encouraging to see what is happening through Ray’s mentorship. The boys have learned about the Christian faith and know the Lord and read the Bible. They attend church with Ray’s family on a regular basis and have a desire to attend a Bible School when they finish school so they can effectively share the gospel when the go back to their village.

I was able to speak to the two boys as they are learning English in school. They both had printed out a thank you note to give me expressing their appreciation for the chance they had been given to improve their lives


January 9 2013

Prison Ministry in Manila

My entire day yesterday was spent visiting the Medium Security Prison here in Manila speaking to a group of about 35 pastors. One of the ministries, that Understand The Times supports financially here in Manila, is to take the gospel message to prisoners. Last year when I was here we visited the Maximum Security Prison. This year we did a daylong session at the Medium Security Prison that houses about 6500 men.

No matter how many times I have visited a prison, each new visit provides new feelings and emotions that I never experienced before. Yesterday was no exception. The prison is not confined to a few buildings – it is an entire city. After clearing security at the gate we made a long walk through the prison grounds. As we were not allowed to take in anything with us but our Bibles and our notes I have no photographs to visually illustrate the many memorable sights along the way.

Finally we ended up in a room open to the outside but surrounded by barbwire. I had never had the experience of speaking in a cage before. Pastor Richard, who is in charge of the prison ministry, shared the first session by giving an excellent message based on Chapter 40 from the Book of Isaiah. In the second session, I shared my testimony and explained my own personal journey from believing in evolution to creation.

Following a break for lunch for the prisoners (pastors), Mike Miller shared his testimony and challenged the men to share the gospel with their inmates. His messages are always inspirational. Mike is handicapped with cerebral palsy but his handicap does not limit his ability and gift of being able to point people to Jesus Christ and his Word.

In the final session I spoke of the topic of how creation is the foundation of the Christian faith and how creation can be used as a means of evangelism giving facts supporting the biblical creation view along with a number of scriptures. Following that there was a question period that lasted for about half an hour.

About ten different Christian denominations were represented. These men have become believers and pastors while incarcerated in jail and are now reaching out and sharing their faith with others. The next time that Richard visits the prison he will bring with him a number of Evidence for Creation books that will provide more factual information these men can use to point unbelievers to the Creator, Jesus Christ.

The journey back to my hotel through the heavy traffic was long and tiring. Tomorrow I will spend the day visiting Bryce Home One as well as meeting with Mike and Becky Miller who coordinate the ministry here in the Philippines.


January 8, 2013

I am writing this update from Manila, Philippines. I arrived here late last night after a long trip via San Francisco and Guam. I will be here for one very busy week. My plan is to post a few reports to let our readers know our activities.

Mike Miller and his wife Becky are here as well. Mike will be involved in several of the meetings. We will be speaking to prisoners in jail, pastors and church leaders and students. The major theme of my topics will be the importance of biblical creation and how it can be used as a tool for evangelism.

We will also checking on the Bryce Homes Philippines Program and adding an additional Bryce Home, Bryce Home 7, while we are here. We are grateful to those who have caught our vision and have come alongside the ministry of Understand The Times by support the Bryce Home Program here in the Philippines.

As a side note, Becky Miller will be sending out receipts to donors who donated during the month of December when she and Mike return from the Philippines about the middle of the month. If you were a December donor and did not receive a receipt and thank you note from us it was because Mike and Becky have here in the Philippines visiting relatives.

As another side note, Wade and Lisa Oakland who live in Canada had an addition to their family in the early morning hours of January 6 – Caitlin Rae.  As you can see Elizabeth Ann is a very proud sister. Myrna and I now have four grandchildren – one boy and three girls.


October 15, 2012

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

Grace to you!
Our brethren in prison are so thankful for your continues support for them.
Please see attached letters.

In Christ,


August 12, 2012

The sun shone in Manila on Sunday morning and we headed off to Malanday where five of our Bryce Homes are located. Pastor Richard had called me late Saturday night indicating they were planning to hold a service at his church and asked me if I would speak. He also told me that the clean-up was a long way from being complete and to expect the same devastation we had observed two days earlier.

As Sunday was to be my last full day here in the Manila area it was important that we do our best to visit the Malanday area with the purpose of speaking to the fellowship of believers and to visit the Bryce Homes. We arrived in the Malanday area but Richard was only able to find a place to park that was about a block and a half from the church. The last time I had been there was at night and there were no lights to see. This time it was broad daylight. We put on our boots and headed towards the church. The following photos will give you an idea the conditions the poor people of Malanday are facing. The water has subsided but the damage remains. The smell is unbearable. Disease threatens their lives.

Pastor Richard's church in the background


Residents have pushed mud and garbage from their houses into the street


According to reports the government will not be able to clean up the area for at least one week and the power will be off for at least one month. We visited all five Bryce Homes before the service and tried to encourage the parents of the homes and the children. We also committed to continue to provide them with resources so they can get back on their feet.

Frances and Frankie Aquino – Bryce Home Two


As you are reading this report, try to imagine what it would be like to live in this location during this time. This morning the weather report indicates there is another monsoon in the making and Manila is expected to face more flooding in the near future.

My topic for the morning service was intended to be an encouragement to those who were there. Before the adult service over 50 children from the area met and sang songs, recited Bible verses and had a Bible Study. Afterwards the children were fed and given a packet of rice and noodles to take home.

If you were here to see this situation as I was I am sure you would be deeply impacted. We who have so much have no idea what it would be like to be faced with a situation like the one that has been experienced here. If you can help in any way it will be greatly appreciated.

Roger Oakland


August 11. 2012

The rain stopped today but the whole day was spent waiting to see if we could enter into the Malanday area to visit our Bryce Homes and take in relief. It was not until late in the evening that I heard from Richard. He notified me that we would attempt to hold a service at his church on Sunday morning and that I should be ready to be picked up early Sunday morning.

Apparently the conditions are still very bad and the streets have not been cleared. I will know more in a few hours and will write another report as soon as I know more.

Please continue to pray for all of our Bryce Homes in the Manila area and the people of Richard’s church in Malanday. This is a crisis that is beyond anything I have ever experienced first-hand. We will do all we can while we are here with the resources we have and then follow up with more supplies to be distributed later when I return to Canada


August 10. 2012

Since turning the focus of the ministry of Understand The Times towards sharing the gospel to the needy in poor countries I have witnessed and experienced many things that have been etched into my mind for as long as I live.  More and more it becomes obvious to me that this is the direction the Lord has called us to go in this phase of my life. Yesterday, while here in Manila, it was once more confirmed that reaching out and helping the poor and orphaned is truly what the Bible calls “real Christianity” (James 1:27).

As I mentioned in my previous report I arrived at the Manila Airport in the midst of one of the heaviest continuous downpours the city has ever experienced. All rivers had over flown their banks and low lying areas nearby had been flooded. Over 1 million people have been impacted by this disaster and the loss of human life is now over sixty.

The first day I was here it was not possible to go to the area where our Bryce Homes are located because it was completely underwater. Yesterday there was a let up in the rain and we set out around noon to take food and necessities to as many of the six homes we are supporting here.  Pastor Richard picked me up and we went to a large market where we purchased rice, noodles, sardines and soap.

Our first stop was Bryce Home One in the region of Pasig City. While the water here had been chest high it was one of the first areas to subside. Our caretakers there are Rey Loaogan and his family. Earlier this year UTT had assisted Rey to add a room to his humble home to take in two children, to care for them and give them an education. After dropping off some goods we proceeded on our way to the area where the remaining Bryce Homes are located – Malanday.

Finally by dark we arrived at Malanday but were unable to get within a block and a half of the church. There are no words to properly describe the conditions we saw. What made it worse is that there was no power and we were submersed in compete darkness. A group of children from Pastor Richard’s church in Malanday met us and told us the best route we could go to make it to the church on foot. We put on our knee high boots and slopped our way through the muck carrying the produce we had purchased to the church. Some of the older children helped us carry the smaller packages.

I cannot describe in words the conditions we saw in this area. The streets were completely buried in mud and garbage three of more feet high. As you can understand the smell of this rotting garbage was unbearable. It is hard to imagine how the people living here would be able to recover. I have been to this area several times before in the past. In my wildest dreams I could have never imaged the devastation I saw this time.

After dropping of the produce at the church there was not much else we could do. As we were leaving the area the sky opened up again with another deluge and there was a tremendous amount of lighting and thunder. As we headed back to the hotel Pastor Richard received word that government officials had warned those who remained in the Malanday area to leave immediately as an overflow from a dam holding back a river running through the area was about to be released.

Today the rain has subsided and I am waiting word whether we will be able to go back tomorrow. I desperately want to see the remaining five Bryce Homes and find out what we can do to assist them in this time of need. I am also thankful I was here to be able to see first-hand what our brothers and sisters in Manila are facing and to find ways to help them in this time of great need.

While it is not our custom to appeal for funds every time we see a need, I feel that this is an exception. If you feel led to contribute to assist in this situation you can do so through Understand The Times. Pastor Richard is a totally trustable brother who will administer the distribution of all resources. Your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

Roger Oakland
Understand The Times


August 9. 2012

I am writing this ministry update from Manila. Several months ago I planned a trip here to visit the six Bryce Homes that we established here to come alongside widows and poor families and by assisting them with food, clothing, education and spiritual direction. Little did I know when this trip was planned that I would be arriving at the peak of historic monsoon rains that have left over 800,000 homeless and 20 dead in the Manila area.

I was met at the airport by Pastor Richard and taken to my hotel which is located in an area of Manila that was not affected by the flooding. Unfortunately, the area where all of our Bryce Homes are located is completely flooded with water that is chest high in the streets and homes. As it has stopped raining today we are waiting on word when we will be able to get to the area and provide relief to our families.

It is apparent to me that the Lord has guided me here at this time to be His hand extended. Please pray for us as we visit the six homes and provide care and assistance. I will be sending daily reports to be posted on our site.

Roger Oakland
Understand The Times


June 21, 2012

Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger,

I am in receipt of UTT support for Malanday Feeding Ministry, Prison Ministry and Bryce Lodge. In behalf of the recipients of UTT support please accept our heartfelt thanks to all the supporters and donors of UTT ministry. Thank you very much for your generosity. You can rest assured that we are using all the funds that you sent for the welfare of its rightful beneficiaries. By God's grace, children are growing not just physically but in the knowledge of Christ. At their young age, they know how to discern truth from error. They know that it is foolishness to worship graven images and they are grounded in biblical teaching of creationism. We are also teaching them to put their trust in the person and works of Christ for their own salvation and not in their own good deeds. Two young men from these children are now workers of the church. When we started the ministry here in Malanday they are little children in primary level but now they are in first year college education. And we are always reminding them that when they become professionals and earn through their profession they should help others also. Truly by means of patience, perseverance, hard-work and especially by the grace of God, little by little we see the fruit of our labor. It is such an encouragement to see how the Lord bless our ministry. The bible is true, our labor in Christ is not in vain.




Grace to you!

I am in receipt of funds sent by UTTI for feeding ministry in Malanday, Prison Ministry and school support for children. You can rest assured that all the support you are sending us will be used for the ministry. I would like you to know that the ministry here in Philippines is continue to bless by God by spiritual blessings through prayers and hard work. We can see the hand of God through the lives of children changed by God and also their parents who are now attending the church because they see how the Lord works in the lives of their children. Truly the Lord is good, showing mercy and love and He is using UTTI ministry as a means of expressing His goodness and grace. May the Lord continue to use UTTI ministry for His glory.








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Understand The Times is an independent non-profit organization in Canada and the United States.
Understand The Times is not affiliated or dependent upon any other organization or denomination.
Understand The Times is accountable to a board of directors in the United States and Canada
and accountable, first of all, to Jesus Christ and His word.


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