Ongoing Reports From Kenya







June 2014

Kenya Water Program

While visiting our Bryce Homes in Kenya in March of 2014, it became apparent that one of the greatest needs for our widows and their families was water—both uncontaminated drinking water and water for other basic needs (bathing, washing clothing, etc.). Where our families live in a remote area, they are required to walk long distances to get water from streams, ponds, or community boreholes and then carry the water in five-gallon pails back to their houses. Not only is there the problem of the water source being a long distance away, such water also contains many pathogens that are the cause of serious life-threatening diseases.

It was also obvious to me that there was a very doable solution to this problem. When I returned from Kenya, we reported on the need to collect water from the roofs of the newly constructed houses that our donors have helped to build. Since then, in these past three months, we have been able to construct three water-collecting systems that cost approximately $500 each. Eve troughs collect water runoff when it rains that is then drained into large clean plastic tanks that store the water. The tanks are situated at the corner of each house, and the water can be obtained by opening a valve whenever needed.

 Below are the photographs of the three widows and the water-collecting systems that have been constructed so far.



Widows Finter, Terri, and Benedetta are overjoyed and very appreciative for the way the new water-collecting systems have transformed their lives. The following is a short testimony that Finter sent to us through Pastor Achilla, which expresses her appreciation in her own words:

I am glad and glorify the Lord Jesus for provision of this water tank. It has enabled my family to get clean rain water for drinking. Because of this, the common infections brought on by water-borne diseases, especially cholera and dysentery, have ceased.

Myself and the children have now been relieved from the burden of transporting water from the river using buckets carried on the head. Simply, it has given us peace.

The people in the village have also surprised us as many come to request even a glass of rain water to quench their thirst and even to take with them to their homes. I have always given the testimony of God's favor whenever people come for water.

This provision of the Lord has reminded me of the LIFE GIVING WATER which our Lord Jesus gave to the Samaritan woman (John 4:14). May the Lord be glorified. Amen. Thank you to all the people who have stood with me. May God do to you the same as you did to me. By doing God will’s, may He reward you all.

God bless you all,



Video Update From
Bryce Homes Kenya.
Showers and Latrines
that were built as part
of the Winter Offering
Building Program.


In the future, as funds become available, we have plans to construct more of these water-collection systems in the remaining Bryce homes that we have built with metal roofs. In the meantime, we are working on a plan to supply Sawyer water- treatment/filtration systems so that all of our 24 homes will have a way to purify water for drinking.

During the month of June, Pastor Achilla and an associate will be picking up 10 of these units from a supplier in Nairobi. At the same time, they will receive instructions on how to maintain the units so that clean and uninfected drinking water will be available for these 10 homes. The remaining 14 homes will also receive these same units as soon as possible.


Finter’s testimony perfectly fulfills the vision Understand The Times and Lighthouse Trails have for our Kenya Bryce Homes Program. While we feel compelled to let our readers know about the physical needs our families face and come alongside and assist them, this is only part of our goal. More important is the fact that these families are now sharing the light of the gospel to those who live nearby, and the love of God is spreading to others.

In a future report, I will be sharing an update about our Small Business Opportunity Program for widows. For as little as $70 per widow, we are able to provide seed funds to the widows who will be able to start a small business which provides an avenue towards self-sufficiency.

We thank all those who have partnered with us in the Bryce Homes Kenya Program. When we first met the widows and children who were to become the Bryce Home families, most of these widows were living in mud shacks with grass roofs (that leaked badly during rainy seasons) or old deteriorated plaster houses that also leaked. The floors were dirt, and both the children and mothers did not have adequate beds and blankets and often had only one meal a day. Cooking was done in an open fire on the dirt floor (which caused a terrible fire-threat and respiratory problems because of the smoke). The children’s clothing were little more than rags, and most of them couldn’t  attend school because they had no government-required uniforms.

Today, the lives of these Christian widows and children have completely changed. This is an incredible testimony of the Lord’s goodness and mercy. And your support has made the success of this program possible.