Ongoing Updates About Mission Philippines
July 23, 2014 Bryce Homes Update
Dear Bro. Mike and Bro. Roger!
July 22, 2014 Mission Philippines Update
Dear Bro. Roger and Mike,
July 10,2014 Prison Ministry Update
Dear Bro. Mike and Bro.
I would like to give you an update on what the Lord is doing in our
prison ministry supported by UTTI here in the Philippines.
Last Saturday July 12, 2014 we baptized two inmates in Medium Security
Compound namely, Bro. Rudy Campos his case is Homicide and Illegal
Possession of Firearms and Bro. Dickey Thomas his case is Robbery. Both
of them get to know the Lord Jesus Christ in prison, through the prison
ministry. It’s been quite a long time since they confess Jesus as their
Lord and Savior and yet we delayed the process of their baptism because
we want to confirm the genuineness of their confession to Christ by
fruit of repentance and by showing the life that was really change by
God or through holy living and I can attest that these men are really
born again.
Prior to baptism I explained to them that believers baptism is not the
same with baptismal regeneration but instead this is just a symbolism of
death, burial and resurrection of Christ by which through their
confession to Christ they participate in His death burial and
resurrection. Their old man was crucified to Christ and buried with Him
in Baptism (Rom. 6:4) and they will now walk in the newness of life.
Joy overflowing in my heart to see men, which in their former lives are
living in darkness and wickedness and yet through the grace and mercy of
God are now living in light and walking in obedience to Christ. Truly,
all our sacrifices and efforts are not in vain because God is doing a
good work in prison, saving souls and changing lives and all glory
belongs to Him.
The hymn of Alfred Judson describes it best,
Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters,
Chained like a slave I struggled in vain;
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.
Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
Let us continue to pray for more souls here in prison that are
still living in sin and darkness, that they may not harden their hearts
but instead submit themselves to the Lordship of Christ.
I attached herewith some of the pictures taken during the baptism and a
glimpse of life inside the prison cell.
In Christ,
April 2014