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October 29 - Biometric banking is booming

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Passwords are passe. At least that is what some experts said about having to enter, and remember, those annoying combinations of numbers and letters to access your accounts. Experts said the future of security, especially in banking, will be using biometrics to login.
Voice verification is how Erich Dye signs into his mobile banking app. Facial recognition is how his wife, Donna, logs on.

“It’s my face, no one has my face. I like the fact that you have these extra steps and it keeps my account more secure,” Donna explained.
“There’s the bio component, that’s biology… and metrics, that’s the measurement, so its using the measurement of our unique characteristics to distinguish one person from another,” explained Todd Mozer, a biometrics expert with Sensory Inc.


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