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November 3 - PCUSA Report Shows Evangelists Shifting Away From Calls to Repentance

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

Could some evangelists within the nation's largest Presbyterian denomination be moving away from the practice of calling sinners to repentance? An early report from the August conference of a church-planting movement within Presbyterian Church (USA), called 1001 New Worshipping Communities, suggests the possibility.
In a report on said conversations, published last month by Research Services of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, it was documented that "millennials respond to a different style of evangelism than did previous generations. Millennials, it is argued, do not feel guilt and shame the same way older generations do. … As such, they do not respond to what one person referred to as 'fire and brimstone scare tactics,'" read the report. "Telling them that they are sinners and need to repent does not work. Millennials respond to evangelism that tells them the world is [broken], and it is only through Jesus that it can be fixed."


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