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December 2 - Archaeologists uncover King Hezekiah seal

Article: Biblical Archeology 

Archaeologists discovered the impression of a seal that bears the name of King Hezekiah and was found during recent excavations by Jerusalem.
“[It's] the closest as ever that we can get to something that was most likely held by King Hezekiah himself,” said Eilat Mazar, the leader of the excavation project, during a press conference at Mount Scopus campus, the Times of Israel reported. “[The find] strengthens what we know already from the Bible about [Hezekiah].”
The stamp seal impression, or bulla, was one of dozens discovered in the last few years at a building in the Ophel, a section of Jerusalem by the Temple Mount that was used for royalty. The seal bears this inscription: “Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz, king of Judah.” Excavators originally discovered the seal in 2009, but overlooked its significance. Hebrew University archaeologist Reut Ben Arieh actually deciphered the inscription just this year, and uncovered its true value.


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