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December 6 - Tech Tatts: Biometric tattoos raise the bar in wearable technology

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Inking data collectors on your skin could become the next step in wearable technology, allowing them to obtain health and other biometric data from the body without a pause. Researchers from Chaotic Moon Studios have devised a cutting-edge tattoo kit, which allows for the monitoring of one’s own body activity without being intrusive.
Chaotic Moon’s CEO, Ben Lamm, told Tech Crunch that he sees big potential for Tech Tatts, which is what they call their prototype. They envisage potential for its application in the military.
“We get to do a lot of cool stuff at Chaotic Moon but with this we think there’s military applications for it, health applications for it and there are all kinds of opportunities around it.”
For example Tech Tatts could potentially detect poisons in the air, pathogens in a soldier’s body, or identify when they are hurt or stressed.
Collecting biometric data is old news – your smartphone can do it on its own, or through linked accessories like a bracelet or a badge in order to monitor how many steps you’ve taken in a day, how many calories you’ve burnt, or how deep your sleep was. But Tech Tatts stand out because they are directly attached to the skin potentially providing more accurate information and for a longer window of time.

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