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Comment from UTT:
While the Roman Catholic Church declares Marian apparitions to be of God, the God of the Bible declares that Marian apparitions are neither from Mary the mother of Jesus, nor are they biblical. The best explanation is that they are from a spiritual source that is deceptive.

August 17 - Marian apparitions in Argentina declared authentic by church

Article: Signs And Wonders|

A Catholic church in Argentina has declared that the Marian apparition seen by a woman in Argentina is authentic and "supernatural." Gladys Motta, who is now in her 80s and lives near the Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas church, saw her first vision of the Virgin Mary on Sep. 25, 1983. Since then, she started praying to the Virgin Mary and the woman continued to see the apparition clad in a blue gown and veil and carrying the baby Jesus, Religion News Service (RNS) details. 

Devout Catholics have also been visiting a shrine built on the site where she saw the Marian apparition. Many miraculous healings have been attributed to the more than 1,800 visits that Motta got from Mary and 68 visits from Jesus.

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