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Comment from UTT:
President Elect Donald Trump has interesting plans for Israel. This is something to watch with regards to his ability to broker a peace deal. According to the Bible any such deal would be a false peace plan. While Trump may have the ideas and the plans, he is only a man. While evangelical Christians supposedly helped him to be elected, time will tell how he deals with biblical Christianity. Won't it?


November 12 - Trump sets sights on ‘ultimate deal’ between Israel, Palestinians

Article: Israel And The Last Days
US president-elect Donald Trump said he hopes to orchestrate “the ultimate deal” between Israel and the Palestinians that would resolve “the war that never ends.” Days after winning the US presidential election, the Republican victor said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that “as a deal maker, I’d like to do… the deal that can’t be made. And do it for humanity’s sake.”




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