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Comment from UTT:
This article exposes the extent of the belief system that many in the Roman Catholic Church accept. They are fascinated by what they call miracles associated with statues of "Mary." In this case, a weeping statue of "Mary" in an unknown location in Mexico is supposed to be a sign to the faithful that this is a divine message from God. While certainly judgment is coming to the world in the near future, turning to Mary will not do a thing to avoid the coming judgment. These superstitious people should read the Bible and find out what the Bible has to say about the times in which we are living.

November 18 - Statue of Mary cries tears of BLOOD. THIS is what we think her WARNING is...

Article: Signs And Wonders|

Catholics in Guadalajara say a statue of the Virgin Mary is weeping blood. The small statue appears to have her cheeks caked in a dark red substance that looks like drying blood. Those who have seen it say it is a miracle.


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