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Comment from UTT:

While science is making great strides to modify the human body in an attempt to prolong life and defy death, the fact remains, the wages of sin is death. Transhumanism defines the effort that science is making so that humans can turn their backs on God. While this may seem to be a great breakthrough to many, it is only another sign we are in the last days. 


November 17 - Transhuman Dreaming: DNA-Editing Breakthrough Could Delay Aging, Cure Diseases

Article: Transhumanism

This breakthrough technology is called Homology-independent targeted integration (HITI) and can edit your DNA while still in your body.  CRISPR, on the other hand, can edit DNA in the laboratory only. Technocrats and Transhumans will hail this technology as their pathway to Humans 2.0.  TN Editor

The breakthrough – described as a “holy grail” of genetics – was used to partially restore the sight of rats blinded by a condition which also affects humans.

Previously researchers were not able to make changes to DNA in eye, brain, heart and liver tissues. But the new technique allows them to do this for the first time and could also lead to new treatments for a range of diseases associated with the ageing process. 


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