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Comment from UTT:
As part of the New Evangelization Program, the Catholic Church promotes that the faithful should worship the Eucharistic Jesus. For those who don't understand Catholicism, this is a wafer in a monstrance that is worshiped and adored. This article explains how this so-called "presence" of Jesus has become a factor in bringing the "separated brethren" back to Rome.


December 15 - Why I Spent My Lunch Break at Adoration 

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

I snuck out today, on my forty-minute lunch break, to spend some time sitting in church. It’s one of those stormy Canadian winter days and I almost regretted my decision immediately as the wind whipped up a squall of snow right in my face the second I opened my car door. Blustery is probably the word I’m looking for. The parish church closest to my work is beautiful. A massive stone structure it stands head and shoulders above the row of old shops and apartments in the our town’s small downtown core. I learned, after some curious digging, that it was a built in the 1800’s by a famous church architect who was so popular that he was later hired, in an ecumenical reach across the aisle, to build a bunch of Baptist churches too. I snuck out today to sit in church because being the first Friday of the month our parish hosts all-day Eucharistic Adoration.


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