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Comment from UTT:
The humanist agenda has always been to develop the technology that will direct evolution. In other words, while evolution is the natural process man claims brought about the existence of life, now it is believed that evolved man can direct the development of life in the future. Of course man believes he has the knowledge and the wisdom to do this, while the Bible indicates when man wants to play the role of God, there will be judgment.


December 20 - What Happens When Tech Takes Control of Evolution?

Article: Transhumanism

Over the span of a few billion years, diversity of life has flourished on Earth through the process of natural selection. Then, not long ago (relatively), human intelligence evolved. For the first time one species, Homo sapiens, could consciously control its destiny on this planet. Humans have been shaping ourselves, the environment and other species for thousands of years. Soon, we’ll be able to fully control our own biology too, transcending our natural limitations.


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