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Comment from UTT:
Scientists are predicting that objects such as asteroids or comets are headed in the direction of the earth. It is also a fact that asteroids and comets have hit the earth in the past and caused global destruction. The Bible gives us insight into when this happened and why it happened in the past. The Bible also gives us insight into when it will happen in the future and why it will happen. Unbelievers scoff at the Bible. For certain when Bible prophecy is fulfilled no one will be scoffing then.


January 4 - NASA warns two asteroids OR comets are HURTLING towards Earth

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

Our planet is in danger of two unidentified objects that could be asteroids or comets. Two objects are currently hurtling towards Earth’s orbit and will come close to Earth in January and February.
One of the bodies is a comet known as C/2016 U1 NEOWISE, which was first discovered by Nasa’s NEOWISE mission – the asteroid hunting project – in October last year, is set to reach its closest point on January 14. According to Nasa’s Paul Chodas, the comet ”has a good chance of becoming visible through a good pair of binoculars, although we can’t be sure because a comet’s brightness is notoriously unpredictable.”



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