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Comment from UTT:
So-called eucharistic miracles are reported by the Roman Catholic church from time to time suggesting that miracles are showing that "Jesus" is present in the transubstantiated wafer. In some cases, it is claimed the face of this "Jesus" actually appears. Obviously this contradicts what the Jesus of the Bible stated about himself in Matthew chapter 24 when he said that such "lying signs and wonders" would be a sign that his return would be soon.

April  13 - A bleeding host in Argentina? Bishop investigates alleged Eucharistic miracle

Article: Signs And Wonders|

A bishop in the Argentine province in Santa Fe is investigating a Eucharistic host that appeared to bleed during adoration at a drug rehabilitation home.

Bishop Luis Fernandez of the Rafaela diocese announced that an investigation will be carried out to examine what took place earlier this week, when a group of young people were in Eucharistic adoration and saw a substance in the consecrated host that appeared to be blood. On April 11, Tuesday of Holy Week, a group of young people were praying before the Blessed Sacrament at the San Miguel drug rehabilitation home in the Guemes neighborhood, when they noticed a change in the Eucharist. Juan Ternengo, coordinator of San Miguel house, said that there was a “deep red color, coming out of the host, while the young people were singing and praying.”

A statement from the Diocese of Rafaela notes that “the Church in these cases and other similar ones asks that with prudence and moderation, the event be judged with the aim of shedding light and making certain what occurred.” “Throughout history, the Church has received the testimony of the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, in this unique form of manifestation. These cases have been neither common nor simple to discern.”


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