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Comment from UTT:
Expect to see the unity of Charismatic movement as the major bridge that will bring back many of the separated brethren back to Rome. This agenda has been underway for years and continues to advance under the present Pope who is fulfilling the Jesuit agenda.
June 4 - The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for everyone, Pope Francis says

Article: Bridges To Rome

On Saturday, Pope Francis said that the grace of the Holy Spirit is for everyone – something we must keep in mind as we continue to walk the path toward Christian unity through prayer and good works. “Share with everyone in the Church Baptism in the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord without ceasing, walk together with Christians of different Churches and Christian communities in prayer and action for the most needy,” Pope Francis said June 3.

Pope Francis addressed around 50,000 members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement during an ecumenical prayer vigil inside Rome’s Circus Maximus on June 3. The vigil was part of five days of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the movement. The May 31-June 4 jubilee was organized by the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services and the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships.


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