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Comment from UTT:
The realization of chip implants into the tissues of human beings for the purpose of personal identification is right on schedule. The question is no longer if it will happen, but when. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.


September 14 - The Pitch: Microchips ‘Make Life Easier’ 

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

The mainstream media continues to push “biometric implants,” tiny microchips upon which personal data is stored that are inserted under the skin, as a matter of convenience that is “something out of a science fiction movie.”

Take, for instance, this new report from an Australian television station:

From opening doors to riding the bus and paying for lunch, subdermal microchips are the way of the future for people embracing a digital future.  Remi Baker and Mitch Hunter from PHD Media are two early adopters of the microchip technology.

“We don’t need any ID cards, we don’t need any pin codes, we don’t need any access cards or anything so we can live a much freer life,” Mr Hunter said.

The microchip, which is the size of a grain of rice, sits beneath the skin. Data from your bank card, LinkedIn profile or even your medical history is cloned on to the chip which is then implanted in the hand.

Using the same technology as tap and pay cards, the chip can be used to do anything that has been programmed on to the chip.

The report even suggests such implants can save lives, if a person has stored medical information on it.


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