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Comment from UTT:
The basic idea behind Darwinian evolution leads to the assumption that humans are at the top of the evolutionary pile. This also promotes the idea that humans are able to play a role in advancing the evolutionary process by finding ways and means such as technological advances thus fulfilling Satan's lie that man has the potential to be as God.

November 9 - Superhuman: Brain Implanted Chips To Be Ready Within 15 Years 

Article: Transhumanism

People will be able to buy new memories and delete unwanted ones in the near future as experts believe they are close to biohacking the body’s most powerful tool, according to a leading technology entrepreneur.

Speaking at Lisbon’s Web Summit, Bryan Johnson, the founder of Kernel – a start-up researching the possibilities of microchips being inserted on the brain – says unlocking the true potential of the mind is the “single greatest thing” humanity can achieve.

Kernel’s first step is to design chips that can help fight disease, but then it hopes to evolve the brain to offer superhuman abilities.



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