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Comment from UTT:
This article explains how China leads the world in the development of artificial intelligence that is used to monitor their citizens. Obviously it is only a matter of time that this "big brother" technology will be used by all countries of the world. This sets up the system the Bible predicts will be used to monitor and control citizens of the world for the Antichrist.

December 6 - Inside China's 'Big Brother' technology conference where companies reveal how they use AI to spy on citizens without them knowing 

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

Companies such as China's facial recognition start-up Face++ showed how their technology is already being used to identify and describe people. For the first time, the 'Big Brother' conference was attended by top executives like Tim Cook of Apple, Sundar Pichai of Google and Jack Ma of Alibaba. Guided by the hand of the state, tracking technology has become widely accepted in China and this vast data collection could mean these companies have an edge over American competitors.

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