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Comment from UTT:
Transhumanism is the term used to define the attempt by mankind to control and advance human evolution by technological means. Consider the following statement taken from the article below:
Scientists hope the new implant will allow doctors and scientists are window into people’s minds. This will also personalised treatments for people to better treat illnesses and regulate feelings. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are also hoped to be treated using the implants.


December 7 - Human Testing Begins: Brain Implants To ‘Change Moods Controlled By AI’


Article: Transhumanism

Devices plugged into people’s skulls are being developed by boffins funded by the US military’s research division DARPA. These implants will use electronic pulses to alter the chemicals in people’s brains in a process called “deep brain stimulation”. This will then change people’s moods and is believed to be able to treat mental illness and provide therapy. Artificial intelligence in implants will detect and study the brain to know what pulses to send – described by scientists as a “window on the brain”.

Scientists hope the new implant will allow doctors and scientists are window into people’s minds. This will also personalised treatments for people to better treat illnesses and regulate feelings. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are also hoped to be treated using the implants.




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