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Comment from UTT:
Implanting silicon chips that can be linked to computers has moved well beyond science fiction and is now a reality. This promises mankind a new potential and the ability to rise a step beyond humanity and a step closer to godhood. This was Satan's lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden.


December 14 - Humans 2.0: Let’s Put A Chip In Your Brain

Article: Transhumanism

Mapping the Human Brain project started by former President Obama is turning into a full-fledged industry, with just neuroprosthetics looking at $14.6 billion by 2024. Technocrats invent because they must, not because there is a legitimate need to do so. ⁃ TN Editor

Bryan Johnson isn’t short of ambition. The founder and CEO of neuroscience company Kernel wants “to expand the bounds of human intelligence”. He is planning to do this with neuroprosthetics; brain augmentations that can improve mental function and treat disorders. Put simply, Kernel hopes to place a chip in your brain.

“My hope is that within 15 years we can build sufficiently powerful tools to interface with our brains,” Johnson says. “Can I increase my rate of learning, scope of imagination, and ability to love? Can I understand what it’s like to live in a 10-dimensional reality? Can we ameliorate or cure neurological disease and dysfunction?” The shape that this technology will take is still unknown. Johnson uses the term “brain chip”, but the developments taking place in neuroprosthesis are working towards less invasive procedures than opening up your skull and cramming a bit of hardware in; injectable sensors are one possibility.




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