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Comment from UTT:
For a number of years youth leaders in many evangelical churches promoted Rob Bell's books and DVD's as teaching tools and as part of the emerging church agenda. This article confirms Rob Bell's true beliefs and why there is a need to expose false teachers.


February 5 - ‘The Bible Has Caused So Much Damage’: Rob Bell…Like You Never Seen Him Before

Article: Emerging Church

Rob Bell has sparked no shortage of controversy with views and proclamations that some believe are anti-Christian in nature.


And now fans and critics, alike, will have the chance to hear more from Bell, as he’s the focus of a new documentary titled, “The Heretic.” The film releases on March 1 on Amazon and on iTunes, as RELEVANT noted. The trailer for “The Heretic” quotes Bell saying a variety of things that are sure to attract attention. Here are just two bits:

“When I kept going into the Jesus teachings, it took me beyond a religion to what does it mean to be human. And I actually think Jesus would be absolutely mortified that somebody started a religion in his name.”

“The Bible has caused so much damage…”

Bell took to his Facebook page on Thursday to note that he was approached a few years back by a filmmaker named Andrew Morgan. Morgan wanted to make a documentary about Bell’s work and Bell obliged. “We have great respect for Andrew so we said yes and he began filming tours and RobCasts and events and interviews — I can’t imagine just how much footage he captured,” Bell said. “The result is a new film that he is preparing to release. It’s called The Heretic.”




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