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Comment from UTT:
The advancing technology of our day sets up the world for the potential for everyone to be monitored by a global computer. The following article warns about one of the ways this may be happening. George Orwell's world that was once science fiction is now reality.

September 22 - ORWELLIAN: Apple monitors your phone calls and emails, then calculates a “trust score” just like the communist Chinese government… it’s happening NOW, in America

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

If you value privacy and freedom, it may be time to ditch your iPhone (if you haven’t already). Thanks to some clever fine print, Apple is now granting itself the right to monitor users’ phone calls and emails. What is the massive left-wing tech company doing with this information? Generating “trust ratings” for Apple product users — a similar endeavor is currently underway in communist China. Overseas, the Chinese government is issuing “social credit scores” to its citizens, and now Big Tech is taking on a similar mission here on U.S. soil.


Apple has gone full-blown authoritarian with its latest initiative to crack-down on freedom. The corporate behemoth says that the “trust ratings,” which were added quietly in the latest iOS update, are benevolent in nature; supposedly these ratings will “help” with fraud prevention. Despite Apple’s insistence that the company is “fully committed to transparency,” and that the scores are “privacy-preserving,” how monitoring people’s phone calls and emails will prevent fraud (or preserve privacy) is never explained. In fact, Apple hasn’t even provided a single scenario in which the trust score would prevent fraud. Users can’t even see their own “trust scores,” unless they contact Apple directly and ask for their data.




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