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The article about Barclays was already posted on our site

Barclays announced it has partnered with Hitachi Europe to launch its customer authentication solution, Barclays Biometric Reader, which is backed by Hitachi’s Finger Vein Authentication Technology (VeinID).


October 16 - Diebold launches new 5500 ATM series with biometric finger-vein reader

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

Diebold announced it has released its new 5500 series of ATMS, which is designed to help financial institutions deliver full availability, low total cost of ownership, and advanced security features and technologies. Diebold says the 5500 series can help financial institutions address various business objectives, such as managing security risks, driving efficiencies and lower cost of ownership, and appease customers.
The patent-pending Diebold ActivEdge card reader, which curbs all forms of skimming, is a standard feature in the 5500 series.
Other available features include biometric finger-vein readers, security camera provisioning, encryption technology, and monitoring services.


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