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November 24 - India’s Biometric Employee-Tracking Almost in Place

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
The Indian government’s initiative to equip its offices with a biometric employee attendance-tracking system will soon be complete, according to an article by Devesh K. Pandey in the The Hindu. The initial phase of the installation is expected to be complete by the end of the year, with further installations finishing by the country’s Republic Day on January 26.

The system works in conjunction with the country’s Aadhar biometric identification cards, which are also going to be used to administrate healthcare and other such public services. It’s all part of a revolutionary approach to government administration being pioneered by the Indian government.

It also echoes a trend now starting in the private sector, where companies ranging from Mexican bakeries to British public recreation centres are using biometric attendance tracking to crack down on employee fraud and to cut the administrative costs involved in tracking employee attendance.


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