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April 17 - Atheism on the Rise? Growth of Disbelief Signals Danger for America

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

A new study by the Barna Group has found that atheism and agnosticism are being embraced by a growing percentage of young people. According to the study, “2015 State of Atheism in America” 20 years ago, 18 percent of skeptics were under the age of 30; today, the percentage is nearly double that, at 34 percent. The numbers are disturbing but not surprising.
In the past several decades, we’ve seen the rise of militant secularism in America. This belief system says that if you are a Christian who believes in the authority of Scripture and in absolute morals, you are intolerant, and your beliefs are not acceptable in society. We’ve seen this secularism take hold in our schools, our entertainment, our culture, our politics and even our churches. And one of the results has been a steep increase in the number of young people who reject God.

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