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May 4 - Transhumanist Party Scientists Frown on Talk of Genetic Engineering Moratorium

Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering

A wave of ethical discussions and admonitions recently appeared after Chinese scientists reported successfully editing an embryo's DNA. Many large media outlets interviewed scientists around the globe who chimed in on the ethical implications of the science, which ultimately could lead to designer babies. Some prominent scientists and bioethicists raised loud concerns about how genetic engineering might affect the future of humanity, and some of them went so far as to advocate for a moratorium on the research and technology.
Scientists and medical doctors at the US Transhumanist Party, a political organization that prides itself on advancing science, condemned calls for any moratorium, saying such talk is anti-progress and anti-innovation. However, Transhumanist Party scientists did agree that an open and thorough discussion on the matter is warranted.

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