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September 4 - Blessed Junipero Serra's cross gets a kiss from Pope Francis

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

Pope Francis on Wednesday kissed and blessed a cross that was buried with Father Junipero Serra, the early California missionary whom he will canonize during his U.S. visit later this month.  When Father Junipero Serra's tomb was opened in 1943 to exhume the Franciscan priest's body, a cross was found on his chest. Members of the Catholic Church Extension Society brought the relic to the Vatican for the Pope's Sept. 2 general audience, and presented it to the Pope.

The Pope blessed it, but he also venerated it, it was very touching, Father Jack Wall, president of the Catholic Church Extension Society, recounted to CNA. He reached down and kissed the cross that was buried with Junipero Serra. Now that the cross has received the Pope's blessing, it will return to California's Diocese of Monterey, where it will be displayed in the museum at the Carmel Mission.

Bl. Junipero Serra played a leading role in California history. He helped to convert thousands of native Californians to Christianity and taught them new technologies. The 18th century Franciscan priest founded many of the missions that would go on to become the centers of major California cities. He was beatified in 1988 by Saint John Paul II. Pope Francis will canonize Father Serra Sept. 23 during his visit to Washington, D.C.
In a May 2 homily, the Pope described the missionary as one of the founding fathers of the United States, a saintly example of the Church's universality and special patron of the Hispanic people of the country.


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