Dear Ron,
December 29 - Sunday Is World Day of Peace: Pope Says Non-Violence Can Be Style of Politics
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
While Pope Francis is calling for world peace
and religious unity, the Bible foretells a times
of global unrest and war. While it may be a
noble effort by a man to be in the forefront as
a peacemaker, the Bible teaches there will never
be peace until the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ
At the
beginning of this New Year, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to the world's
peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious, civic
and community leaders. I wish peace
to every man, woman and child, and I pray that the image and likeness of God in
each person will enable us to acknowledge one another as sacred gifts endowed
with immense dignity. Especially in situations of conflict, let us respect this,
our "deepest dignity",[1] and
make active nonviolence our way of life.
This is
the fiftieth Message for the World Day of Peace. In the first,
Blessed Pope Paul VI addressed all
peoples, not simply Catholics, with utter clarity. "Peace is the only true
direction of human progress - and not the tensions caused by ambitious
nationalisms, nor conquests by violence, nor repressions which serve as mainstay
for a false civil order".
Read Full Article....
December 27 - Circle January 15th: 70 Nations Will Gather In Paris To Discuss The Creation Of A Palestinian State
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from
The pressure from the
world to force Israel
out of their own land
and hand it over to
become a Palestinian
State continues to
intensify. It is
becoming clearer by the
day that the world hates
Israel which is exactly
what the Bible states it
will be like in the Last
Days of time. However,
for those who read the
Bible, the God of the
Bible is also the God of
Israel. The world is
headed for some very
exciting times.
On January 15th,
from 70
different countries
will gather in Paris, France for an
unprecedented global conference. The stated
goal of this conference is to promote a
"two-state solution" as the way that lasting
peace will be brought to the Middle East.
Israel, there is a tremendous amount
of concern that whatever is agreed upon at
this conference will immediately be used as
the basis for a UN Security Council
resolution that would permanently divide the
land of Israel and create a Palestinian
state. But
things would have to move very
rapidly in order for that to happen, because
Barack Obama's time in the White House comes
to an end on January 20th, and Donald Trump
has already made it exceedingly clear that
he would never support such a resolution.
Read Full Article....
December 29 - A crash course in Miracles 101
Article: Signs And Wonders
Comment from UTT:
This article gives a good understanding of what the Catholic Church
teaches about miracles. While the Bible is full of miracles that are
really miracles, it seems that Catholicism has added many more in order
to attract the faithful. The problem is, the Bible also warns about
"lying signs and wonders" that will deceive many in the Last Days. The
miracles that are being added to the canon of scripture, fit into that
What do a
grilled cheese sandwich and the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe have in common?
Both bore what appeared to be images of Mary. One was determined to be
authentically miraculous, the other was not. Not to spoil any secrets, but it's
not Our Lady of the Grilled Cheese that converted Mexico and continues to draw
millions of people on pilgrimage every year.
But have you ever wondered just how the Church determines the bogus
from the divinely appointed?
Read Full Article....
December 29 - Trump Inauguration to Feature Prayer of Prosperity Preacher Paula White Who 'Secured His Calling'
Article: Ecumenical Movement - Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
While President elect Trump
has done many controversial
things on his way to the
presidency, choosing "faith
leader" Paula White to be
among the ecumenical
selection of leaders at his
inauguration is quite
amazing. Paula White,
Franklin Graham and Catholic
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head
the list of whose-who in the
race to bring back the
separated brethren to the
Mother of All Churches
located in Rome. We will be
watching this alliance with
an open mind, but for now
let it be known, keep your
eyes on politics joining
hands with religion for the
cause of peace. If this
sounds familiar to you, read
the Bible with an update on
end times current events.
Prominent Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan,
Franklin Graham, and prosperity preacher Paula
White will be among the ecumenical selection of
faith leaders who will present prayers and
readings at Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony
next month, the inaugural
committee announced on Wednesday.
Read Full Article....
December 28 - Volcano Activity Strengthening Around The World
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Is it just a coincidence that volcanic activity
around the world is on the increase at a time
when many Bible prophecies are being fulfilled?
Is it possible that God is warning of what is
soon to happen? The Bible foretells a time in
the future where everything that can be shaken
will be shaken. If I were an unbeliever, I would
be paying more attention to what is happening.
If you are listening to Rick Warren and others
pastors who are "toning down" Bible prophecy or
rejecting it all together, then read the Bible
for yourself.
Volcanoes Campi Flegrei in Italy, Sakurajima
in Japan, Pavlof in Alaska, Popocatépetl in Mexico and
Iturrialba in Costa Rica among others showed signs of
reawakening in the last semester of 2016, sounding the
alarm among the scientist community that warns about a
chain of imminent eruptions.
Read Full Article....
December 30 - Mark Zuckerberg says he's no longer an atheist, believes 'religion is very important'
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
In previous articles and commentaries we posted in 2016, we
pointed out that Facebook appears to help link the world
together with the technology that will help set up a global
system for financial transactions. Zuckerberg has also met
with the Pope in private discussions. What if he now sees a
way to promote religion on a global basis with the Pope? Of
course this is speculation, but I think it is worth
gathering more facts.
The founder of Facebook
has found religion, it seems,
according to a cheery holiday
message he posted on the social
network he created.
On Christmas Day, Zuckerberg
indicated in a Facebook
status that he was "celebrating
Christmas." "Merry Christmas and
Happy Hanukkah from Priscilla, Max,
Beast and me," he wrote,
naming his wife, daughter
and dog.
Then a commenter asked
him: Aren't you an atheist?
Read Full Article....
January 3 - Vatican calls for 'central World Bank' and 'global authority'
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
This article makes the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel come
alive. When the Vatican begins directing a global economy as well as the
promotion of a global religion for peace, the 666 plan is just around
the corner. How much more does the Vatican have to do before people who
profess to be Bible believing "purpose-driven" Christians will stand up?
Rather than their obsession with ecumenism and joining hands with Rome,
it is time to sound the alarm.
The Vatican
has called for the establishment of a "global
public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule
over financial institutions that have become outdated
and often ineffective in controlling the masses.
Read Full Article....
January 4 - NASA warns two asteroids OR comets are HURTLING towards Earth
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Scientists are predicting that objects such as asteroids or
comets are headed in the direction of the earth. It is also
a fact that asteroids and comets have hit the earth in the
past and caused global destruction. The Bible gives us
insight into when this happened and why it happened in the
past. The Bible also gives us insight into when it will
happen in the future and why it will happen. Unbelievers
scoff at the Bible. For certain when Bible prophecy is
fulfilled no one will be scoffing then.
Our planet is in danger of two unidentified
objects that could be asteroids or comets. Two
objects are currently hurtling towards Earth's
orbit and will come close to Earth in January
and February.
One of the bodies is a comet known as C/2016 U1
NEOWISE, which was first discovered by Nasa's
NEOWISE mission - the asteroid hunting project -
in October last year, is set to reach its
closest point on January 14. According to Nasa's
Paul Chodas,
the comet "has a good chance of
becoming visible through a good pair of
binoculars, although we can't be sure because a
comet's brightness is notoriously
Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland