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January 1 - Filipinos are in love with the Virgin Mary, and the Baclaran shrine is proof
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
It is true that an obsession with an adoration for "Mary" is at the
heart of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines. However, when a Filipino
person is converted to Christianity away from Marianity, they see that
the Bible teaches Jesus Christ is the center of the Christian faith. It
is not just in the Philippines that the "mother of Jesus" replaces Jesus
Christ. Not only are there shrines and statues dedicated to her all over
the world, Roman Catholics consider her a mediator between man and God
which the Bible forbids.
A long-venerated icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help turned 150
last year, and many Filipinos' Marian devotion has never been
"There is one clear
reason for the thousands of devotees who flock to Baclaran: the
special Marian piety of the Filipino people,"
Fr. Joseph Echano, CSsR, rector of the National Shrine of Our
Mother of Perpetual Help, told CNA.
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January 2 - Biometrics As National IDs: It's A Hacked World, After All
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
Welcome to the world of biometrics. Countries around the world are
headed towards identifying everyone on the planet by collecting data
that at one time was considered personal. Of course now that this plan
is well underway, privacy is a thing of the past. While we are told that
personal identification is necessary for our personal safety, the
ultimate goal is to set up a world control system that will be used to
monitor the world's population by the coming New World Order.
Starting January 2017,
Singapore's government will begin collecting
iris images from citizens and permanent
residents when they register or re-register for
a new National Identity Registration Card or
passport, according to the
Ministry of Home Affairs. The change was
announced as part of amendments to the National
Registration Act, which passed in Parliament in
November but will go into effect in January.
The iris images will be used as a complementary
verification method to photographs and
Read Full Article....
January 5 - The Birth of Half-Human, Half-Animal Chimeras
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Forty years ago when I was a new Christian, genetic
manipulation was being discussed in the realm of science
fiction. A chimera, a part human part animal creature, was a
term used to describe animal-human creatures that were found
in mythology centuries ago. Now, as this article
explains, it is a fact that chimeras are now being
manufactured in the lab. As the Bible states, whatever man
imagines he can do, he can. The question is, how long will
this go on before God intervenes? Genetic engineering
involves humans defying God and making up their own rules as
they believe they are directing evolution.
In H. G. Wells's
The Island of Doctor Moreau, the
shipwrecked hero Edward Pendrick is walking through a
forest glade when he chances upon a group of two men and
a woman squatting around a fallen tree. They are naked
apart from a few rags tied around their waist, with
"fat, heavy, chinless faces, retreating foreheads, and a
scant bristly hair upon their foreheads." Pendrick notes
that "I never saw such bestial looking creatures." It is
120 years since Wells first published his novel, and
to read
some recent headlines you would think that we are
veering dangerously close to his dystopic vision.
"Frankenstein scientists developing part-human
part-animal chimera," exclaimed the
UK's Daily Mirror in May 2016. "Science
wants to break down the fence between man and beast,"
the Washington Times declared two months later, fearing
that sentient animals would soon be unleashed on the
Read Full Article....
January 5 - Biblical Return of 70 Nations as Countries Gather in Paris to Condemn Israel
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
The only way to understand why 70 nations from around the
world would be meeting for the purpose of showing their
hatred towards Israel is to read the Bible which clearly
lays out this scenario. This is also a preview of what will
happen in the future when the entire world comes against the
nation of Israel in a final attempt to wipe them off the
map. The only way to understand this is to understand that
God has chosen Israel to be His people. Because Satan hates
God, it is not difficult to understand where this agenda
comes from.
High ranking officials from 70 nations of the world
will gather in Paris on January 15th in an attempt
to force Israel to accept a two-state solution with
the Palestinian Authority. By so doing, they will be
fulfilling a momentous Biblical prophecy foretold
thousands of years ago.
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January 9 - Re-globalization Heralds an Emerging New World Order
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
While there are some who are saying that current trends in
politics indicate a move away from globalization and a New
World Order, don't spend too much time keeping your fingers
crossed this will happen. While there will be various events
that will come and go, the bottom line is that the Bible
foretells the final results. There will be a One World New
World Order, there will be a One World Leader and there will
be a One World Religion.
From a historical perspective,
globalization and, for that matter, the world
history has not been linear in its progress. There
have been ups and downs as well as twists and turns.
With several decades of fast growth of
globalization, the world has reaped unprecedented
benefits, but we have also seen the widening gap
between the rich and the poor and deeper division
between the capital and the labor as predicted by
Karl Marx. So, the conclusion
should be that
globalization will continue but with a
different paradigm or narrative, thus ushering in a
new era of "reglobalization" wherein China is called
upon to play a key role of leadership.
China's President Xi Jinping is going to Davos World
Economic Forum in January 2017 which again indicates
China attaches great importance to "make
globalization and global governance work again" even
though now globalization is somewhat in shatters and
in urgent need of changes.
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January 9 - Pope: Religions can help the world find peace, no to weapons and terrorism
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
When Pope Francis makes a plea for the religions of the world to come
together for peace, it is no surprise to those who study Bible Prophecy.
Of course this sounds like the answer for those who are either naive or
biblically illiterate. Read the Bible. There have been wars over
religion since the beginning and there will be wars over religion until
the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ returns. What is troubling is the fact
that the present Pope makes the claim that all religions worship the
same God. Obviously, this is not the God of the Bible. This is the god
of this world. Christianity, from a biblical perspective is not a
religion. Perhaps this is why Pope Francis is so confused.
action of religions for peace and therefore
their commitment to deny that one can kill in
God's name, promote disarmament, particularly
nuclear, and non-violence, the protection of
migrants and children, the protection of nature,
the value of religious freedom.
These are some of the issues covered this
morning by Pope Francis in the long speech
addressed to the representatives of 182 states
that have diplomatic relations with the Holy
See, received for the traditional exchange of
new year greetings.
Read Full Article....
January 10 - Asteroid Almost Collided With Earth While You Were Sleeping
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
We have been posting articles about the possibility of asteroids
colliding with the earth in the future. Based on this article, maybe the
future is now. Even scientists who are supposed to be monitoring the
heavens for asteroid threats are beginning to express their alarm. Could
we be living in the days described by the Bible when the earth will be
hit and devastated?
On Monday
morning Earth barely escaped being
struck by a newly-discovered asteroid dubbed 2017 AG13.The
asteroid, belonging to the Aten group of asteroids
between 11 and 34 meters in
diameter, was spotted by scientists at the University of Arizona-based Catalina
Sky Survey just two days before the close flyby, primarily due to its low
reflectivity and 16-kilometer-per-second speed.
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland