January 9 - Another 5,000 Jews quit France for Israel: agency
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
We are living in the period of history that Bible prophecy
foretold when Jews would be returning to their homeland in
Israel. At the same time, the world despises the Jews, also
just as the Bible stated would happen.
Another 5,000 French
Jews emigrated to Israel
last year, figures
showed Monday,
continuing a trend that
has seen tens of
thousands quit the
country after a series
of attacks targeting the
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January 15 - Paris peace conference declares: No 'acceptable' solution except two states
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
This article provides evidence to support the Biblical prediction that
the world will come against Israel in the last days.
The 70 participants in the Paris peace initiative stressed
the need for a two-state solution and rejected any unilateral moves by
Israelis or Palestinians to prejudice a final peace deal.
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January 11 - SHOCK ALERT: Earth's magnetic field has CRACKED - humanity at risk of cosmic radiation
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
The ozone layer and the earth's magnetic shield protect life from
harmful radiation that is one of the causes of triggering skin cancer.
The Bible mentions sores breaking out on the flesh of humans in the book
of Revelation. Certainly it is possible we are seeing this process about
to happen.
From analysing data from the GRAPES-3 muon telescope
in Ooty, India,
experts have concluded that the
magnetosphere has come under such heavy bombardment
in recent years that it weakening.
On June 22, 2015,
there was a massive burst of galactic cosmic rays
which traumatised the Earth's magnetic shield for
two hours.
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January 16 - Eight billionaires 'as rich as world's poorest half'
Article: One World Goverment
Comment from UTT:
If anyone questions that the world is headed towards a system where a
handful of humans control the planet, then read this article.
Eventually, one man will be given the power to control the masses. This
man is the antichrist the Bible fortells.
The world's eight richest
individuals have as much wealth as the 3.6bn people who make up the poorest half
of the world, according to Oxfam. The charity said its
figures, which critics have queried, came from improved data,
and the gap between rich and poor
was "far greater than feared".
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January 23 - India to make UIDAI registration mandatory for all Aadhaar authentication devices
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The technology required to set up a global cashless society continues to
develop. The power and control such a society will implement perfectly
lines up with what we would expect from a biblical perspective.
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI),
the government agency in charge of Aadhaar, is expected to make
it mandatory for manufacturers to embed the Aadhaar encryption
key into biometric devices using Aadhaar authentication,
according to a report by the Business Standard.
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January 19 - Conversion is a prerequisite to ecumenism, Pope Francis says
Article: Ecumenical Movement - Misc.
Comment from UTT:
The Pope states that conversion and ecumenism are connected. This means
that Pope Francis believes there are many roads to Rome and that
converting to or back to Roman Catholicism is necessary. Obviously, Pope
Francis, a Jesuit, is simply showing his true colors.
For Pope Francis,
personal conversion is pretty much the key to the Church's
success in all of her activities, from Church governance to
pastoral work, from Curial reform to evangelization and
dialogue. He reiterated this point in a
Jan. 19 speech to an ecumenical delegation from Finland,
telling them
that "true ecumenism is based on a shared conversion to
Jesus Christ as our Lord and Redeemer."
"If we draw close to him, we draw close also to one
another," he said, and pointed to his trip to Sweden last
fall for a joint-commemoration of the 500th anniversary of
the Reformation.
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January 24 - Organisms created with synthetic DNA pave way for entirely new life forms
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Genetic engineering has opened up a Pandora's box that will soon bring
horror and disaster to planet earth. Human beings are motivated by greed
and lack wisdom. The results from man playing God will bring total
disaster to the earth
the moment life gained a foothold on Earth its story has been written in a DNA
code of four letters. With G, T, C and A - the molecules that pair up in the DNA
helix - the lines between humans and all life on Earth are spelled out. Now,
the first living organisms to
thrive with an expanded genetic code have been made by researchers in work that
paves the way for the creation and exploitation of entirely new life forms.
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January 19 - Connected Devices Give Spies A Powerful New Way To Surveil
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
Gone are the days of privacy in any form. Every move and transaction
humans make will soon be under observation. Information provides power
and a way to control by other humans. While sold to the public as a
policy for protection, time will show that human freedom is coming to an
There is little
doubt that the web is the greatest gift that any
intelligence agency could have ever asked for.
agencies and commercial entities can easily collect
information about users. Every internet user is being
Thankfully, you're still free to do as you like
in the physical world, unencumbered by constant
observation-right? Well, not for long.
The same data-collection revolution that has happened in the
online world is
about to repeat itself in the physical world because of the
Internet of Things (IoT). The idea behind the IoT is that
everyday items can now collect and transmit data wirelessly. The
variety of objects that could be connected to the internet is
practically endless-from the
tiles on the pavement and the concrete in walls, to our shoes
and clothes and even our toothbrushes. All are becoming
connected, and all will soon begin adding their information to
the cloud.
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland