January 25 - Pope: Christian unity can't happen if we linger on problems of the past
Article: Ecumenical Movement
Comment from UTT:
Pope Francis wants unity within "Christianity" from a Jesuit
perspective. This is when others who call themselves Christians modify
their basic beliefs to accept Roman Catholic dogmas and traditions that
contradict the Bible. In other words, unity with Rome is when all others
accept Roman Catholicism and redefine the Bible. What the Pope does not
say is what will happen to those who refuse to embrace ecumenism
During an ecumenical Vespers service on
Pope Francis told both Catholics
and members of other Christian communities
that unity can only happen when past
grievances are forgiven and all sides walk
forward with their gaze on Christ. "How do
we proclaim this Gospel of reconciliation
after centuries of division? Paul himself
helps us to find the way. He makes clear
that reconciliation in Christ requires
sacrifice," the Pope
said Jan. 25.
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February 2 - Facebook investing in neuroscience "telepathy" technology that can read minds, report your thoughts to the NSA
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Facebook continues to pave the way towards a global system of
communication that has the potential to monitor all those on the planet
who utilize the technology. Whether or not the time will come when human
thinking can be monitored is a matter of speculation. For now, every
single item that is posted can be found in the memory of computers and
is available to those who have the desire to control human beings.
Mark Zuckerberg and his team of social
are hoping to push the
Facebook platform
one step closer to singularity by
developing new ways to invade the human mind
in order to spy on people's thoughts.
According to reports, the social media giant
is tasking a team of neuroscientists
with developing a so-called "brain-computer
interface" that will supposedly allow users
to talk to each other telepathically, while
also allowing Facebook to intercept this
flow of communication for around-the-clock
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January 31 - PCID and WCC to draw up document on Education for Peace
Article: Ecumenical Movement
Comment from UTT:
For those who do not believe in the Bible, it is hard to understand that
there is a problem for Pope Francis to rally the world's religions
together for the cause of peace. Of course, this sounds like the right
thing to do. However, the fact is the Pope should know better. There
will never be peace without the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, even
though the Pope would like to claim he is the one to replace Jesus as
the peacemaker.
for peace is the theme of a proposed joint
document to be drawn up by the Pontifical
Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the
World Council of Churches' Office of
Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation.
The proposal was the main subject under
discussion at a meeting of staff members of the
Pontifical Council and colleagues from the WCC
office this week. During the
encounter in the Vatican on Monday and Tuesday,
participants also discussed recent and future
activities, underlining the urgency of
interfaith dialogue "in today's global context".
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February 5 - Key Cards Are So Passe: Belgian Workers Open Doors With Microchip Implants
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
move towards silicon chips implanted in the hands of people
for identification purposes continues to move ahead. Of
course, this is the system that is outlined in the book of
Revelation that will be implemented by the antichrist.
A group of workers from
have joined an increasing number of people with
microchips inserted in their hand.
Employees at Newfusion, a
Belgian digital marketing firm,
have had microchips
inserted under their skin which allow them to open and close
doors and access the company's computers,
Le Soir reported.
The microchips replace the badges which the workers used
to wear, and also contain personal data about the user. The
chips cost 100 euros each and are the size of a grain of rice.
They were inserted between the thumb and index finger of their
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February 6 - Look to Christ to overcome 'tragic' Reformation legacy, Pope says
Article: Ecumenical Movement
Comment from UTT:
The fact that Pope Francis would call the Reformation "tragic" reveals
how tragic it is to have a man claiming to be the head of the Christian
church. The reason there was a reformation was because of the perversion
of Christianity by humans masquerading as followers of Jesus. Instead
of following the Bible, they had come up with their own rules, dogmas
and traditions that had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Now the Pope
claims that those who separated from Rome based on standing for the
truth should come home to Rome once again. What a tragedy indeed!
The 500th anniversary of
the Protestant Reformation is an
opportunity for both Protestants and
Catholics to place Christ at the
center of their relations,
Pope Francis told an ecumenical
delegation from Germany on Monday.
"This year of commemoration
offers us the opportunity to take a
further step ahead, looking at the past
without rancor, but in accordance with
Christ and in communion with Him, to
re-propose to the men and women of our
time the radical newness of Jesus, the
limitless mercy of God: precisely what
the Reformers in their time wanted to
stimulate," the Pope
said Feb. 6.
"The fact that their call to
renewal gave rise to developments that
led to divisions among Christians was
certainly tragic,"
he added.
"Believers no longer felt they
were brothers and sisters in faith, but
rather adversaries and competitors; for
too long they bore hostility and engaged
in struggles, fomented by interests of
politics and power, at times even
without scruple about using violence
against each other, brothers against
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February 7 - Putin scrambles Russian air forces to check readiness
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
Numerous news sources report that Russia is preparing for world war
based on tensions with the West. Either this is a continuation of the
Cold War or we are living in very dangerous times.
President Vladimir Putin
has put the Russian air force on high alert, the
latest in a series of drills amid tensions with the
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu
said that
the drills launched Tuesday will check the air force's
readiness and its ability to repel an enemy aggression.
Shoigu told military officials
special emphasis will be given to practicing the
deployment of air defense systems.
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February 2 - British Anti-Semitism rises to record levels
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
It should be no surprise that anti-Semitic incidents are rising in
England. Statistically this can be related to the number of Muslims that
have immigrated to England.
The number of
anti-Semitic incidents in Britain
rose by more than a third to record
levels in 2016,
according to data released Wednesday
by the Community Security Trust
(CST), which monitors anti-Semitic
incidents and provides security to
Jewish communities.
The group recorded 1,309 incidents
of anti-Jewish hate last year,
compared with 960 in 2015, a rise of
36%, according to a report in the
The previous record number of
incidents was in 2014, when 1,182
were recorded.
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland