February 14 - U.S. experts soften on DNA editing of human eggs, sperm, embryos
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Each year the parameters for experimenting with human life
continues to expand. Although regulation bodies say that
caution is necessary, they also open the door for mankind to
play God.
Powerful gene editing tools may one
day be used on human embryos, eggs and sperm
to remove genes that cause inherited
diseases, according to a
report by U.S. scientists and ethicists
released on Tuesday. The report from the
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the
National Academy of Medicine
said scientific advances make gene
editing in human reproductive cells "a
realistic possibility that deserves serious
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February 15 - Roman Catholic Group Requests 'Pope Francis' Refer to Mary as 'Co-Redemptrix With Jesus'
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
Roman Catholic Pope will continue to move towards declaring
that "Mary" is the "Co-Redemptrix." There are many lobbying
that this be done this year at the celebration of the 100th
anniversary of the supposed apparition of Mary in Fatima.
This concept is completely unbiblical but in line with how
dogmas and traditions trump the scriptures.
International Marian Association
has requested that the
leader of Roman Catholicism, Jorge
Bergoglio, also known as Pope
Francis, refer to Mary as
"co-redemptrix with Jesus the
redeemer" during the 100th year
anniversary of the purported
apparitions of Mary in Fatima,
The Theological Commission of the
Marian Association, which is
comprised of 30 supportive entities,
including Vatican Secretariat of
State Florian Kolfhaus, Andrew
Apostoli of the Eternal Word
Television Network (EWTN), Elias
Mary of the Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sanctuary in Wisconsin, and Michael
O'Neill and Christopher Padgett of
the Mariological Society of America,
recently released a
10-page document outlining why Mary
is deserving of the title.
It states
that Mary passed on her
sinless nature-given to her by God
at conception-to Jesus, that He
might redeem the world from sin.
Through her willing human
participation in the Father's divine
means of saving wicked men, the
Commission contends, she is the "New
Eve" just as Jesus is the "New
Adam." "Mary, the 'full of grace' (Lk. 1:28)
was providentially prepared by the
Father through her Immaculate
Conception to participate with the
Son in the crushing of the head of
Satan and redeeming humanity from
sin, and to pass on to her divine
Son an immaculate human nature like
her own in order to accomplish the
mission of redemption,"
the document asserts.
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland