March 29 - Pope's Words to Interreligious Iraqi Group
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
Pope Francis continues to make a plea that Islam and all faiths are
brothers and worship the same God. The coming One World Religion for
peace headed up by the Roman Catholic Pope in Rome is just around the
corner. For those who do not understand Bible prophecy the Pope's plan
seems to be of God, but for those who do, it is the plan of Satan.
received the participants of the second meeting of
the Permanent Committee for Dialogue, established
between the Pontifical Council for Interreligious
Dialogue and the Iraqi Superintendancy (for Shi'ites,
Sunnis, Christians, Yazidi, Sabaeans/Mandeans) this
morning in the small hall of the Vatican's Paul VI
Read Full Article....
April 6 - Vatican approves special Fatima feast day for the Traditional Latin Mass
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
you want to read about how biblical Christianity can be distorted into a
form of idolatry, then this article will provide the evidence. No where in
the Bible is there a place for Mary worship, nor for messages from spirit
beings to replace the authority of scripture.
The Vatican office which governs the use of the
extraordinary form of the Roman rite
given priests permission to say a special Mass
for the feast of Our Lady of Fatima this year,
noting the importance of the apparition's
centenary. In an April 5
decree the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei
gave permission for any priest of the Latin Rite
to celebrate a votive Mass of the Immaculate
Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 13, 2017
- the 100th anniversary of the first apparition
of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal.
Read Full Article....
April 5 - Dialogue is essential, Pope Francis tells British Muslim leaders
Article: Ecumenical Movement Other Religions Uniting With Roman Catholics
Comment from UTT:
The Pope continues to suggest that Islam and Christianity
worship the same God. What he actually means is that the God
of Islam is the same God he worships. Genuine Bible
believing Christians see the Pope's statements as
blasphemous. Even many Catholics themselves do not agree
with Pope Francis as he continues down the road towards
ecumenical unity at any cost.
Pope Francis met Wednesday with a delegation of
Muslim leaders from Great Britain along with
Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster to
promote dialogue and collaboration
following the deadly attack in London last
During the private meeting at the Vatican's Paul VI
Hall April 5, Pope Francis
the most important job everyone has in this moment
is to listen to each other.
"I like to think that the most important
work that we must do among us today, in humanity, is
the work 'of the ear:' to listen to each other," he
stated. "To listen to each other, without rushing to
Read Full Article....
April 3 - How upgrading humans will become the next billion-dollar industry
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
While genetic engineering is one way to modify human beings, there are
many other ways that mankind is being told will bring about godhood is
only a few years. When human beings believe they can be upgraded with
technology in order to live forever, they are falling for the same lie
that Adam and Eve accepted in the Garden of Eden when they were visited
by Satan.
Investors searching for the next transformative technology destined to turn a
bunch of Ivy League dropouts into billionaires, and half the market into a loose
slot machine, need only look in the mirror.
"The greatest industry of the 21st century will probably be to upgrade human
beings," historian Yuval Harari, author of the fascinating
new book "Homo Deus," told MarketWatch
Read Full Article....
April 5 - Pro-ISIS hackers release 'kill list' with 8,786 targets in US, UK
Article: Perilous Times
Comment from UTT:
to say, the threat proposed by these individuals is probably
true. The world is in a mess and there seems to be no
possible solution. According to the Bible, someday, someone
will come up with a solution. Obviously the world will be
ready. Right now Pope Francis is previewing that role as he
continues to dialogue with Islam by calling followers of
Allah his brothers.
ISIS-linked group of hackers
released a "kill list" of 8,786 names and addresses
in the U.S. and U.K., calling for lone wolf attacks
on the targets in a chilling video posted online.
hackers, known as the United Cyber Caliphate (UCC),
orders those watching to: "Kill them
wherever you find them."
Read Full Article....
April 5 - Christians remain world's largest religious group, but they are declining in Europe
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
you want to know the religious future of planet earth read
the statistics found in this article. Muslims are on the
increase while Christianity is on the way down. However,
there is a new religion in the making called Chrislam that
joins Christianity with Islam. Is that the direction the
world is headed?
Christians remained the largest religious group
in the world in 2015, making up nearly a third
(31%) of Earth's 7.3 billion people, according
to a new Pew Research Center demographic
analysis. But the report also
shows that the number of Christians in what many
consider the religion's heartland, the continent
of Europe, is in decline.
Christians had the most births and deaths of any
religious group in recent years, according to
our demographic models.
Between 2010 and 2015, an
estimated 223 million babies were born to
Christian mothers and roughly 107 million
Christians died - a natural increase of 116
Read Full Article....
March 31 - Study: Only 4 Percent of Millennials Hold a "Biblical Worldview"
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
If Bible believing Christians feel like they are
under attack now, according to this article this
is only the beginning. Statistics reveal that
the younger generation have been successfully
brainwashed. This is why the emerging church has
been so successful. We are being set up for a
strong delusion that will set up a global
government and a global religion that will be
hostile to Christianity that is based on the
Four percent of
millennials hold a biblical worldview,
according to a recent study.
The American Culture and
Faith Institute (ACFI) published results
of a survey earlier this month. The
survey measured the core beliefs of
millennials compared to older
The study
shows that millennials hold more liberal
views of things like socialism and
same-sex marriage than older
generations. But there's another big
difference. Millennials are much less
likely to become conservative in the
Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland