April 5 - The birth of intelligent machines? Scientists create an artificial brain connection that LEARNS like the human mind
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
The fact that artificial intelligence is being created by linking
computers to humans can not be debated. The question that needs to be
asked is where is this headed and will life be altered in a way that
will set up human-mechanical-electronic hybrids that will have the
potential of playing a role to set up an antichrist system that controls
the world? Christians know that God is in charge and that this will not
happen without His intervention. Since the fall that occurred in the
Garden of Eden mankind has been enticed by Satan to believe that humans
have the ability to replace God with fleshly wisdom.
idea of a robot that can learn and function on its
own, without the need for any human help, might
sound like the plot to the latest science fiction
blockbuster. But
scientists have got one step closer to making this a
reality with the creation of the first artificial
brain connection that can learn autonomously. The
groundbreaking study represents a big step toward
intelligent machines that learn without the need for
human input.
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April 10 - One in Four British Christians Say Resurrection of Jesus Didn't Occur: Survey
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
say that you identify yourself as a Christian while at the
same time denying the resurrection is a contradiction of
terms. Christianity is based on the fact that the
resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred as He was raised from
the dead. Without this truth Christianity is a false belief
system. Of course, Satan uses this to cause confusion and
One in four people who identify
themselves as "Christians" in England say that
they believe that the physical resurrection of
Jesus Christ did not happen,
according to a new poll. ComRes conducted the
survey of 2,010 British adults by telephone for
10 days at the beginning of February, asking
them a series questions about their beliefs on
the Bible and Easter. BBC local
radio commissioned the survey for Palm Sunday,
measuring the responses of the "General Public,"
"All Christians," and "Active Christians," which
refers to Christians who attend religious
services at least once per month.
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April 9 - Russia and Iran say U.S. 'crossed red lines' with strike on Syrian air base
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
The Bible mentions both Russia and Iran (Ezekiel chapter 38) as
partners who will attempt to destroy Israel in the last days. Read the
news and read the Bible and see how the two compare.
A statement released by "the
joint command operation center of Syrian
allies," a group that includes Russia and Iran,
warned the U.S. against further military actions
in the war-torn country, following a missile
strike on a Syrian air base last week.
Referring to its defense of Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad's regime, the group warned
that they would support Syria and its people "with
all means that we have."
"The United States crossed red lines
by attacking Syria, from now on we will respond to
anyone, including America if it attacks Syria and
crosses the red lines,"
the statement read.
"America knows very well our ability
and capabilities to respond well to them, [and] we
will respond without taking into consideration any
reaction and consequences."
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland