April 11 - Record Numbers Abandon Sweden Church Because 'They Do Not Believe in God'
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Satan has many ways of deceiving. While many in the world believe that
anything and everything can be worshipped as God, the Swedes appear to
be headed the opposite direction. Of course, when man willingly chooses
to believe there is no God, it won't be long when this trend will be
turned around. Read Romans chapter one.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden
says people are continuing to
abandon the faith in record numbers. More than
90,000 left the church in 2016 and the main
reason cited was "they do not believe in God."
The Local reported on Tuesday that
the 90,000 who left the church
last year is almost double the number of those
who quit in 2015. The steep drop saw as many as
1.5 percent of the entire membership abandon the
The Swedish Church, which used pollsters Norstat
to conduct the survey,
found that 40 percent of
respondents left because they "no longer believe
in God," which was the most popular reason
Another 18 percent
said that they no longer found the churchgoing
experience meaningful, while 17 percent said
that it was "too expensive."
Read Full Article....
April 13 - A bleeding host in Argentina? Bishop investigates alleged Eucharistic miracle
Article: Signs And Wonders
Comment from UTT:
So-called eucharistic miracles are reported by the Roman
Catholic church from time to time suggesting that miracles
are showing that "Jesus" is present in the transubstantiated
wafer. In some cases, it is claimed the face of this "Jesus"
actually appears. Obviously this contradicts what the Jesus
of the Bible stated about himself in Matthew chapter 24 when
he said that such "lying signs and wonders" would be a sign
that his return would be soon.
A bishop in the Argentine province in Santa Fe
is investigating a Eucharistic host that
appeared to bleed during adoration at a drug
rehabilitation home.
Bishop Luis Fernandez of the Rafaela diocese
announced that
an investigation will be carried out to
examine what took place earlier this week, when a
group of young people were in Eucharistic adoration
and saw a substance in the consecrated host that
appeared to be blood. On April
11, Tuesday of Holy Week,
a group of young people were praying before the
Blessed Sacrament at the San Miguel drug
rehabilitation home in the Guemes neighborhood, when
they noticed a change in the Eucharist.
Juan Ternengo, coordinator of San Miguel
house, said that
there was a "deep red color, coming
out of the host, while the young people were singing
and praying."
Read Full Article....
April 18 - Controversial 'three-parent baby' fertility technique takes off in Mexico City
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Science continues to play God in the name of offering solutions for the
betterment of life. There are no limits when man chooses to make the
rules. While regulations have been used in the past, in the future
expect to see that the sky is the limit when it comes to tinkering with
Sitting in his
spotless office in the New Hope Fertility Clinic in Mexico City,
soft music playing in the hallway in the background, Doctor
Alejandro Chávez-Badiola shows an affable smile. "'Three-parent
babies' is not the title I would have chosen for the treatment,"
the clinic director says.
"But if the press had not given it such an attractive title, the
news of what we're doing probably would not have had such an
Indeed, "three-parent baby" is easier to remember
than "mitochondrial replacement treatment" (MRT), a relatively
new procedure offered to couples who want to reduce the chance
of passing certain genetic diseases onto their children. It is
controversial because the embryo takes eggs from two mothers.
Read Full Article....
April 17 - The Real Reason Why Millennials Aren't Going to Church, and It's Not Because They Hate Jesus
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
this article is true, then Rick Warren and those who follow
the emerging church don't know what they are doing. While it
would be great to say that the author of this article is
correct, read it for yourself and make your own decision.
Millennials are leaving church at record numbers and
they are described as America's least religious
generation. But while they may be highly skeptical
of religion, they are still thirsty to find meaning
in life.
Studies show
isn't Jesus they're rejecting, they're rejecting
churches that aren't making themselves relevant to
Millennial culture.
Researcher and president of LifeWay Christian
Resources Thom Rainer says
three things matter the most to Millennials:
content, authenticity, and quality.
Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland